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The next day came and Taehyung successfully delivered Jungkook his breakfast and some extra for lunch. Jungkook happily took the food and waved at him from the sea. They had a short talk since Taehyung had to leave for his meeting with Jimin today. But it was nice to talk to the raven again, even if it's just been overnight he already missed his presence in the house. Now they are closer than ever. He missed the close contact. He really felt happy that both have expressed their feelings and know they are on the same page. It was really making them feel a lot lighter inside, they no longer have to hide their affection from each other. So it was a bit sad that they already had to separate again, but luckily jungkook was healing well again. He still needs to stay in the water for a while, he can't leave until he is fully hydrated again. letting the water repair his dried out body from outside and inside.

Anyhow, Taehyung was already looking forward to when he can see Jungkook again. but now, Jimin had all his attention. Time for his soulmate!

"So, how are things with you and Jungkook now? you haven't mentioned him all day" jimin said while poking some fries from the bowl in between their plates. They were going for dinner after watching a movie earlier today.

"I didn't want to upset you by talking about him again."

"Taebear, you can always talk about anything with me. i'm your friend, i will support you either way, but if i think it's stupid i will not hesitate to say so '' jimin said and that made Taehyung chuckle.

"i know, that's why i like you"

Jimin smiled and then asked again. "so, tell me about it"

"well... were sort of dating now i guess"

"wait... hold up" Jimin stopped poking the fries and frowned "since when are you dating??"

"well, we uhm.. sort of both had feelings for eachother and we uhm.. yea were now more close than friends-"

"You did it with a fish!?"

"NO" taehyung's eyes widened and he covered his mouth realizing how loud he was and the heads turned towards him. "no i didn't. and he is not a fish. it was just a kiss, that's all" he whispered leaning towards Jimin so no one else would hear it.

"Oh my, this is just like those fantasy books," Jimin chuckled and put the fork down. "soooo a human and a siren. I would have never guessed it. I really thought he was gonna eat you"

"he won't, he won't hurt me chim. he protects me, he doesn't mean any harm to me"

"Even if he said so, I still don't trust him."

"he really is good! He let me put his hair into a bun, and he helped me change the bedsheets when he came over"

Jimin again was shocked. "CAME OVER???"

"yes- oh wait. so you see. he can go on land"

"this is getting more alarming by the second" the older shook his head and chuckled. "so.. he now can walk on land. damn"

"Yes, and he is really cool. I didn't expect him to be so tall actually."

"sooo, where is he now?"

"back in the sea. He cant stay out for too long. he will dry out"

"ah i see, so he won't just show up at my doorstep?"

"Do you want him to?"

"fuck yes, i want to see him already. I may not trust him, but that doesnt mean im curious to see a real Siren with my own eyes"

"I will ask him if he wants to. but he is very hesitant, he doesn't want his existence to be revealed. and I agree with him, if they get to know about him then it can never be anything good."

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