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After a quite a long drive Mr. Kim finally reached his mansion, driving slowly over the tiled driveway while his guards closed the gates behind him. He was a big man in his world, that wasn't something new. But it will never feel like home, like he should be here. living this life was uncomfortable. It was only keeping him away from his son. It's not like he didn't want everything taehyung told him. He wasn't purposefully doing this. It's because he can't stop. Once you're in and you are seen by others. you can not just walk out again without consequences. Leaving the underworld would mean you are vulnerable, people with the wrong intentions or enemies you've made along the way will come for you. And Mr.Kim would not want that for Taehyung. But he will find a new way.... he will figure something out to still be a father for him...

The car came to a stop and his door was opened by his butler who walked out of the house greeting his boss with a bow. He then went to open the back side but before he could open the door Mr. Kim stopped him.

"no, it's alright. let me do it" he said and told the butler that he can go back inside. He didn't want to startle the Siren or alarm him by having an unknown person wake him. While driving the two in the back had fallen asleep. They looked cute like this. Jungkook was holding taehyung with both arms and had his head resting on top of taehyung's, one of his hands was on taehyung's cheek holding him gently against his chest. soft breaths leaving both their noses, who knows what they would be dreaming of.

"Hey.." Mr. Kim said carefully and cautiously shook Taehyung awake. But Taehyung just groaned sleepily and shifted closer against Jungkook taking a deep breath. "h-'' Mr. Kim stopped talking. The movement of the human had woken up Jungkook who's eyes were wide open staring at him, immediately Mr. Kim pulled his hand back, he didn't want to get bitten. "s-sorry to wake you but uhm.. ah.. were here" Mr. Kim felt nervous talking to the Siren now things were calm, he could really see the unnatural look of the dark haired man. He looked scary and dangerous, even if you didn't know him, he might not be the person to walk up to to have a chat. This looked like the type of man that definitely DOES bite.

"Okay, thank you," Jungkook said. his voice was soft. "for everything" he added while he carefully got out of the car and against scooped the human in his arms to carry him after Mr. Kim into the mansion.

"Don't mention it" Mr.Kim said while walking ahead to show his guest the guest bedroom that he let his butlers prepare before their arrival. He opened the door for Jungkook to enter, who then gently placed taehyung in the bed and covered him with the soft bed sheets.

"I had my butler prepare you both some house wear, feel free to change in the bathroom when you want, '' Mr. Kim said, pointing to the two neatly folded sets of simple cotton clothing for inside , for each of them a pair of soft fluffy slides to wear around the house. "I will be downstairs if you need me"

"thank you Mr.Kim"

"you're.....welcome" Mr. Kim smiled a little and then closed the door behind him.

When the man left Jungkook did just that. taking the biggest sized outfit and changing into the fresh new clothes. glad to be wearing something to cover himself, he had gotten more used to wearing clothes. It kept him nicely warm, even if Jungkook was coldblooded and didn't like warmth. He did enjoy how soft the fabrics were on his skin, keeping his body at a steady temperature.

He then approached the bed where Taehyung was still sleeping deeply. With a loving smile he bent down and placed a soft kiss on top of the human's forehead. "i will go downstairs for a moment, i'll be right back" he whispered.

Taehyung probably didn't even hear him, he seemed to be gone into dreamland. And that was fine, Jungkook was happy to see Taehyung so relaxed. He knows he caused the human stress, and he never wanted to. But things will get better now, he will explain why he did what he did to the human and hopefully restore what was damaged between them.

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