20 GUILT 20

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Taehyung had returned home and limped into his kitchen, hissing in pain that came from his leg. The pain was so bad, each step he felt his foot slip from the blood that had started to roll down his leg. "fuck that hurts" he said and reached for the aid kit above the kitchen shelves. He almost dropped it when a sharp sting shot through his leg. but luckily it fell on the table and didnt break apart.

He had to clean this fast, he doesn't want it to get infected. So he put his leg on the other chair and used water and the wound disinfectant to clean the wound. His heart clenched while he worked on it.

Jungkook bit him... and he bit him well... He could see the deep teeth marks in his calves, he really got a good hold on his leg.

What if he didnt kick him? Would Jungkook have killed him? He wasn't so sure right now....

He never thought Jungkook would do this, but maybe he didn't know him as well as he thought he did.

A small sniffle left him and he rubbed his eyes. He hated to think about it. He hated to think that Jungkook would betray him like that. Just earning his trust and then to just attack him....

He wouldn't do that right? "he.... he promised, he can't do that" he told himself. Yet it happened, he sighed deeply and stood up after wrapping up his leg with a clean bandage. He had to clean his blood trail that he left, and the car as well. He will have to remove the mat on the driver's seat, it was stained with drops of blood now.

but really.... he couldn't get it out of his head... the way Jungkook looked.. He looked so different... he looked so scary, not his usual scary. this was a different jungkook almost. And then his change in behaviour, he just attacked him.

Taehyung then frowned and thought more into it, recalling the whole moment. But why... something wasn't right here...

Jungkook suddenly wanted to leave, he wasn't looking at him.

Was something affecting Jungkook maybe? Jungkook didn't do it intentionally.... right? Taehyung wanted to believe he didn't want to do it so badly that he began to think of possibilities.

Maybe the restless water had an effect on Jungkook, making him more aggressive? or or... maybe it was the moon? He had no clue, but it still didn't sit right with him how Jungkook was trying to leave so suddenly but when Taehyung tried to hold him he just snapped.

The change was too sudden, maybe it was intentional after all.

"no. i don't want to believe it" taehyung said and walked to his bedroom. Every step he took the wound stung painfully, this was really a nasty bite.


somewhere hidden underwater someone was singing the most beautiful tones, so beautiful it caused death and decay around him. Dead fish floating to the surface and two human's bleeding in the water.

But nothing made him feel better, there was nothing to release himself on, so in painful agony he sang louder before grabbing one of the forgotten corpses and ripping it apart.

"See, you're a monster! this wont work! you knew it! and you fucking ruined it. aaahh!!!" he bit into the body and tore a piece of flesh off, chomping it away while his tears mixed with the seawater around him.

He doesn't know what to do anymore. He had ruined what he had, he broke what he had, he broke taehyung's trust, he broke his promise, and he ruined his chances. Taehyung was most likely never going to return. He must feel betrayed.

"You betrayed everyone, Jungkook," he told himself. First he ruined his spot between his people, first being cast away from his own kind. And now he has betrayed Taehyung. He will be alone forever now, he will die here alone.

Maybe he should have just let himself get eaten that day. He can still do so.. he can just swim back and let himself be a feast for his 'family'.

no... he made another promise... he would keep taehyung safe.... oh no, that won't work either.... The only danger Taehyung had right now was Jungkook himself. He can keep his promise and get rid of the danger, get rid of himself-


the siren stopped his singing and swam closer to the surface.... it was his voice again. He came back, Taehyung came back. Jungkook didn't expect it, yet here he was.

"Jungkook, are you.. there?" Taehyung said.

Oh how jungkook wanted to go to him, to hug him, to tell him he was sorry, to make it up. but he can't... He doesn't want to scare the other off again. Taehyung probably doesn't actually want to see him. He can't risk hurting him a second time.

So Jungkook did not show himself. no matter how many times taehyung called out for him. The siren could not make himself to go to him, he couldn't respond. All he did was stay underwater, looking at the human he loves so dearly while he drowned in guilt of what he did....

he didn't want it to happen... he wanted to go before anything bad happened...

He should have left sooner, then nothing of this would have happened.

"I'm sorry, Tae" Jungkook sang softly.

Taehyung sighed and gave up calling for him. Maybe Jungkook left, maybe it was indeed all fake. He was just pretending to be a nice beautiful siren... still taehyung couldn't believe that was true, it just did not add up. "huh?" he frowned hearing something. But it was silent around him, there was no sound. Taehyung looked around, he was sure he heard something just now.

It was probably nothing.

With a heavy heart he walked away from the beach back to his car. When he got into his car he saw two black expensive cars in the parking lot with him, and near the edge of the cliff a group of four men staring at the water. Small clouds of smoke passing their heads every few seconds. Why were they out here this late? Most people were asleep right now, and definitely wouldn't go visit the beach. And on top of that, they did not look like people who would even visit a beach in general.

They looked like men who will cause a scene when they get even the smallest stain on their clothes. But who was he to judge, maybe they were not like the stereotype and really did enjoy being outside and visiting the beach. who knows.

When one of the men turned around and looked at him Taehyung turned on his engine and drove off, he didn't want to make them think he was staring and cause an argument. He just want to go home and sleep, sleep this all off. He needed to think,

about Jungkook.


Thank you for reading, sorry the chapter is so short.

hope to see you in the next update!


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