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The two had both dressed up in comfortable clothes and drove all the way to the amusement park. Jungkook wasn't sure what to expect, so when they were inside through the entrance Jungkook was a bit overwhelmed.

"this.... ah" Jungkook looked around him with big eyes taking in all the colors, music, and screaming people that passed them inside the cart that went above them. "Why is everyone screaming... is this dangerous?" he asked Taehyung as he caught up to the other who was walking ahead because Jungkook was slowing down.

"Not at all, everything is safe. it's very rare that something goes wrong, you don't have to worry about that ''taehyung smiled and took jungkook's hand, intertwining their fingers. It was sunny, with a slight wind. the perfect weather.

"okay.. okay good" jungkook felt relieved with the reassurance of the human and followed him to the first line of the attractions. Jungkook was already looking at the ride through the bars next to them that blocked anyone from getting on the tracks. He flinched when suddenly a cart with screaming people passed by. which made Taehyung chuckle.

"relax, you're so on edge, everything will be fine"

"It looks scary...." Jungkook said softly and stood closer to Taehyung, away from the bars.

"ahw, baby '' Taehyung awed at the other and hugged him, keeping his arm over the taller's shoulders the whole time, not that Jungkook wanted him to remove his arm anyway. He liked to be in touch with taehyung, it made him feel safer. Seeing the roller coaster was already scary enough.

"You want to sit left or right?" Taehyung asked when they reached the end and their gates opened for them to sit.

"uh... somewhere safe?"

"Just sit right then, both are the same" the human chuckled and made sure Jungkook pulled the top down properly and didnt do anything weird when the worker came to check if everyone was strapped properly.

"don't worry, you're going to be fine" Taehyung held Jungkook's hand that was clenched around the hand held.

"are y-ah!" Jungkook yelp[ed when the thing began moving forward and they began going up, higher and higher, the scary clicking was making Jungkook beyond nervous that he would be sweating if he was able to sweat. And then before he knew what was going on the cart went down, wind blew through his braided hair pulling some strands loose, tingles going through his whole body forcing him to let out a scream as they kept going so fast. He had no idea how to follow all that was happening, they went into a loop, made turns, went up and down. there was so much happening that he was completely stunned when they got back into the 'station' and their straps were released.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung laughed, taking Jungkook's hand to guide him out of the carts. "you look like you saw ghosts"

"I didn't see ghosts but I did see a lot..... damn" jungkook breathed out and shook his body to feel in control again. "that was... amazing, i want to go again!"

"haha, i knew you would like it. let's go to the next attractions, there is still so much to do here!" Taehyung and Jungkook excitedly began to run down the stairs to the exit of the current attractions hurrying to the next, it was such a good time for both of them.

A day where they are together somewhere they don't have to worry about buying food, getting calls, or cleaning the house. It was just pure fun. They enjoyed going in and out of attractions until they had gotten hungry and had to go search for food.

"What would you like to eat? They have fries... pizza.... breads.... a steakhouse" taehyung was telling all that he could see around them in the food plaza of the theme park.

"Pizza? Can we get pizza?"

"yesss, I was hoping you would choose that one. i am craving some pizza slices right now" taehyung said and they headed to the pizza restaurant where they ordered both a big meal slice for them which they ate outside on the plaza, it took them a while to find a free table but eventually a family left and they could sit down.

"so, how is it so far?" Taehyung asked while they ate.

"its amazing, i really like it here. i want to come here again tomorrow"

"not tomorrow, but we will definitely go again soon. it's not far from our house."

"our house?" Jungkook looked up, not sure if he could smile, what if Taehyung didn't mean it like that.

"yes, my house is now also your house Kook, I love you. you're my boyfriend and I can't imagine being without you anymore. my house, your house"

"ahww.. Tae... my love" Jungkook melted away at that, a home. He really like the thought of having a home. even if its a different home for him, he really likes being able to call that 'home' now. A home where the love of his live was.

"Is the pizza okay for you?" Taehyung then asked Jungkook to have a pizza with tuna on top.

"i prefer my tuna raw, but this is actually really nice. I think i'm starting to appreciate human food more now"

"I'm glad, I think there are definitely things you will enjoy in our meals. We just have to find something that you like. I think you will like sushi, that got a lot of raw fish."

"ooh, let's eat that then, tomorrow? i will sleep over for some fresh raw fish."

"You are so cute, even though you say you're not. to me you're adorable Jungkook"

"I'm not" the siren frowned and cleaned his hands with the wet tissues they got.

"whateverrr, now you ready for round two?"

"Of course I am, was I ever not?" Jungkook chuckled and they stood up taking their trash to the bin themselves.

"well, you were the one clinging onto me because you were scared-"

"That was at the beginning, pretend that didn't happen, I'm not scared of anything. I'm a siren, I am not scared. that was just fake... yea"

"Are you embarrassed that you were scared!?" Taehyung laughed and Jungkook frowned more.

"yah, don't say that out loud. people will look at meee"

"ahw, my shy baby" Taehyung cupped jungkooks face and squeezed it with his fingers. "so cute"

"if you don't shut up i won't sleep over"

"you wouldn't dare!"

"no i wouldn't, i love you too much to be away from you" Jungkook chuckled and gave the other a kiss before linking their arms and slowly made their way to the long line ahead of them for the next attraction.


short chapter, i really suck at writing fillers, chapters where there is literally nothing happening, thats why i always like to end my stories really soon after the plot is done. there is just nothing else for me to write about. 

thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter... 35 or 36 will probably be the last.  im not 100% sure yet.


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