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This couldn't be happening, this can't have just happened. Taehyung didn't know what had happened after he had run down the stairs in a desperate attempt to stop what was happening.

But what was he supposed to do? He was alone, he wasn't strong, he didn't have a weapon like those other men. He was knocked down before he even knew it. Making him even sadder when he woke up on the beach, his legs wet from the seawater that brushed up over the sand to his legs. Who knows how long he was out, the sun was already down and the moon was high up.

As soon he realised that he was unconscious he jumped up from his position and started shouting for the other. No matter how many times he called out for Jungkook, he did not respond. Taehyung even swam to the cave where all he saw was a pile of pearls and colored seashells on the rock. Not a single trace of Jungkook. He was no longer in these waters.

He knew that...

But he still hoped he was...

"Fuck.... Jungkook '' taehyung said crying softly. Those men took him away to god knows where! He had to find him, he can't let Jungkook be killed or even worse, turned into food for humans. He doesn't want him to end up on a plate or anything like that. Humans shouldn't even know about him.

He doesn't even know where to start looking. How will he ever find who those men were? there was no big advertisement on the ship like on those cruise boats. it was blank. All he knew is that this looked like it was well organised, they had everything planned. it went too easy, they must have been here before.

coming to think of it... he had seen these rich men a few times looking out on the sea here, they looked suspicious of him everytime he passed. and those men asking his name a while back? Maybe they were responsible?

No it can't be.. they didn't mention anything about a siren. But it also can't be nothing. He had never been bothered like that before, until he had gotten closer to Jungkook.

They had to have something to do with this.

Taehyung didn't know if it was true or not, but he just wanted to put the blame on someone, he wanted to have some sort of lead to go from. even though he still doesn't have a clue where to look. And how will he do this alone? He needs help.

"Hey Tae, you do know its five in the morni-"

"Jimin. Some men took Jungkook, they hurt him and took him away! I don't know where he is, I don't know if they will kill him. I'm so worried Jimin, I need your help!!" Taehyung shouted in the phone. waking up not only Jimin but now also the older man next to him who mumbled a few curses at Taehyung for being so loud.

"What are you talking about?" Jimin sat up in bed and frowned.

"This stalker i told you about earlier, it was Jungkook. he had been following me. But when I recognized him he ran off, so I followed him. and I saw him get in the sea. That's when these... These armed men appeared and they hurt him. They took him away by ship!! Jimin, this is bad. what if they will serve him as food!?? I can't let that happen. He shouldn't be shown to other humans!"

"Who were those men? I want to help you but... what if they are dangerous. they were armed you said"

"I don't know who they were, all I know is that they planned this. the knocked me out when i tried to interfere"

"Tae! you could have gotten yourself killed or kidnapped!"

"Was I supposed to just watch them take him!?"

"Fuck, Taehyung, its so early. I'm so tired, but come over. we can talk in person" Jimin sighed while already getting out of bed and turned on the light, shaking yoongi awake as well.

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