Chapter 5

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Omimis POV

She never had to explain her thoughts to me, I knew exactly what she wanted, needed, at any given moment I could feel it.

Missing one of my sense had a way of enhancing my others. It left me quit perceptive, able to tap into others feelings, their moods. Like right now, the fact that i could feel Sebastians nerves skyrocketing, hesitating at the thought of what we were suggesting.

I could hear him pacing back and forth for a moment before he finally spoke. "How would that work?" He eagerly asked when he re approached us.

I decided to let YN take the lead on this one, truthfully I wasn't even sure of the answer.

"I don't know, I've never done this before either! I just know I want you both, together." She spoke in a flustered tone.

"What the same time?!" He asked embarrassment cracking over his voice. "Won't that be awkward...?" He choked out.

"It didn't feel awkward last night, at least not for me." I chimed in leaning my back against one of the cool stone pillars.

"For me either." She agreed almost instantly and we turned our attention back to Sebastian.

"Yeah but we were hammered, thats different....He chuckled nervously as he spoke. "Right?"

"How so?" I tilted my head slightly "do you have any regrets about it, other than the fact that people saw?" I asked not just to him but YN as well.

"I didn't really even care that people saw..." Sebastian spoke his words catching me a little off guard.

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts. And in this case, per Garreth himself, all that potion did was surface our deepest desires. nothing was fabricated." YN proclaimed softly walking in the direction I knew Sebastian was. He let out a deep sigh as I heard her lips grace his.

She then turned her attention to me grazing the side of my face with her hands pulling me in for a kiss.

Her Lips were soft and gentle, breath sweet like vanilla. She parted her mouth slightly allowing my tongue to brush hers. A small taste of blood still lingering on her, i assumed from Sebastian. She went to pull away but my lips followed, I didn't want her to stop.

after a moment I pulled away pressing my forehead to her. "Sebastian? How do you feel." I asked turning to him slightly.

"Alright...I think." He said clearing his throat.

"Do you think you could share?" She asked softly between us.

"I've never had a problem sharing things with Sebastian before, why should you be any different." I smiled slightly.

He chuckled a bit at my words. " yeah clothes! Books, Om! Never a girl!" He shouted nervously laughing.

"We've shared her for years, just never like that." I countered touching her face. She leaned into my hand as I did.

"Yeah but sex Om? Come on." He sighed.

I laughed at his prudish approach. It was quite rich coming from him. "You act as if we haven't been intimate around one another for years? Every time one of us snuck a girl back to the dorm? sometimes at the same time." I scoffed quickly turning to her "sorry, I'm sure you don't care to hear the details." I said stroking her cheek once more.

"not a big secret Omi." She laughed and I turned my attention back to Sebastian.

"Our room is pretty close quarters Seb, so what's the difference?" I questioned him. A small silence deafened the room once more.


I now stood extremely close to both of them Ominis hand in mine while my other hand rested on Sebastian chest. "This won't work unless we are all on the same page." I said his eyes flicked to mine. I could tell he wanted this I could see it in his eyes, he just didn't want to say it.

I reached my hand up running it through his hair grasping the nape of his neck. I pulled him down to my lips once more, Omimis hand firmly grasping mine.

A low moan escaped Sebastians chest as our tongues explored each others mouths once more. I knew then he was done fighting it.

He stared into my eye for a second before speaking "Fuck it." He groaned softly into my parted lips before pulling away "Ominis, come here." Sebastian demanded grabbing his shoulder positioning him im front of me. "Your turn." his eyes narrowing in on us. He watched for a moment as Omimis gripped my waist pulling me into him as his lips met mine.

Sebastian's arm snaked it's way around me from behind pressing me between them like I had been the night before. I melted like butter under their searing touch. I pulled my head back allowing Ominis mouth to fall down the length of my neck and to my chest causing a moaning exhale to escape me. Before I could even catch my breath my tongue was devoured by Sebastian.

Sebastian POV

Watching Ominis kiss her, touch her, i couldn't help feeling a little jealous, competitive-aroused. She Let out several breathily gasps as we both ran our hands over her. "Wait" she softly gasped stopping us both instantly in our tracks. Had she changed her mind?

"I think before we go too far into this, we need to slow down, create rules talk about what this means." She said looking at me and then Ominis. She was always the logical one.

I nodded running my hand through my hair to calm myself from the brief, amazing moment we just had.

She walked over to a table at the other end of the room. "Sit." She demanded both of us hurrying to a chair like scolded puppies.

"Alright, what kind of rules are we talking about?" I asked resting my elbows on the table.

"This is a relationship, we are not just fucking each other. If either of you feel different i cant do this." She sighed sitting down across from us.

"No objections here." Ominis said. I nodded at her in response.

"Good, next it's not an open relationship, no sex with anyone else." She spoke as her and Ominis both turned and faced me.

"Wow thanks." I scoffed knowing what they both were insinuating. She pursed her lips, her eyes burning holes into me"Fine I agree! If I have you I dont need anyone else anyway." I said through a smirk.

"Communication and honesty." Ominis spoke next.

"Right! No bottling things up. we have to tell each other how we are feeing at all times." She agreed I felt slightly attacked again.

"I'll do my best." I said clearing my throat. They both glared at me once more "WHAT?! Healthy emotional outlet isnt really my forte..." I shrugged and they both sighed at me.

"Do you have anything to add?" Ominis asked grabbing my shoulder. "

Are we allowed to be alone together?" I asked looking up from the table.

He paused briefly "Thats up to her." Ominis replied gesturing to YN.

She thought for a moment. "If you guys are ok with that so am I. Preferably together but one on ones are fine." She said with a smile.

"I feel like we need somewhere less... dusty to do this." She said scrunching her nose looking around the room in disgust.

"Theres always our dorm its just the two of us now we me being head boy." Ominis suggested "although the beds are barely big enough for two, let alone three..." He sighed throwing the idea out with it.

"Feldcroft. On the weekends, we can leave Fridays after classes." I said her eyes lighting up under my words.

"That's perfect Seb, Well done" She spoke softly squeezing my hand, I smiled at her affirmation. A realization then swept over me and I frantically checked my watch.

"We're late." I said swiftly standing up from the table. "Rain check my dears?" I chuckled as we rushed to the exit.

Three headed snake (Sebastian Sallow //Omimis gaunt Xreader)Where stories live. Discover now