Chapter 12

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I jolted awake from a restless sleep my heart pounding through my chest. I couldnt say for sure what my nightmares were most nights, but tonight I remember a bright flash of green light and a scream filling my mind before my eyes sprung open.

Reaching my arm out and panic flooded inside as I felt a cold empty space next to me. I whipped my head to the other side to see Ominis fast asleep.

My heart rate settled slightly knowing at least one of them was still there. But my curiosity then piqued to find the other half of the duo.

The pads of my bare feet quietly slapped across the cool wood floors as I scanned each room for Sebastian. I finally noticed the side door in the kitchen that lead out to the garden was ajar. I snagged the blanket we had used earlier at the beach wrapping it around my shoulders before making my way outside.

As Summer neared it's end into Autumn the warm days faded quickly into brisk nights. I tip toed through the chilled grass, finding him lying on the small hill looking up at the sky.

He had both hands pressed behind his head and one knee bent pointing toward the stars. He looked peaceful, but I knew if he was awake at this hour, his thoughts were anything but.

Crossing my legs I lowered myself next to him, his eyes were still fixed on the constellations flickering above not saying a word. Instead he reached one of his arms out from under him and I took his subtle invitation curling myself into the warmth of his side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me tightly into him, planting a kiss on my temple.

We stared up at the clouds drifting past the stars awhile before I finally spoke. " tough night?" I whispered softly into his chest.

I felt his lungs fill deep with air "yeah, tough night." He said with his exhale.

"You?" He quickly asked back.

"Mmmhmm." I hummed into him and Another paused filled the air around us.

"What are yours about?" He asked hesitantly me with little emotion in his tone.

"They change, I don't remember them most nights, but my body seems too... I wake up in a cold sweat, heart racing...occasionally screaming." I admitted waiting for his responses

"and tonight's? Do you remember it?" His eyes fluttered finally glanced down to mine.

I did remember parts of it... the sound of him shouting the killing curse, the bright green flash escaping his wand, the echo of his body crashing against the hard stone at the hands of his sister. The memory burned into my mind of him killing his uncle. But I wasn't about to open that wound with him.

"No, I don't." I lied and I think he could sense it.

He turned to me looking deeply into me. "You don't have to do that, be on guard all the time. Not with me." He said tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Of all the people in this world I'm the one who understands." He said pulling me into him again.

He wasn't wrong. He was the only person I had ever let myself be vulnerable with, the only person who had seen me, every part of me and never wavered in his loyalty. even Last year when we had both hit rock bottom and he watched me spiral into my dark powers he was always there, by my side even if he didn't like who I was becoming.

It might not have been the healthiest bond but it was a strong one. Ominis finally came around eventually, mostly cleaning up our messes. He took care of us...loved us when no one else did, helped us get back on our feet...even though we didn't deserve it, or him.

Three headed snake (Sebastian Sallow //Omimis gaunt Xreader)Where stories live. Discover now