chapter one

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"Ma'am, His Majesty has sent a gift."

My ladies place a box on my vanity. My hand reaches forward to lift the lid to a new set of jewels. Heirlooms most likely. I turn toward Ameila, closing the lid gently and laying my hand on the top of it.

"Place them with the others," I say, turning my back towards her. "Don't worry about sending a message to him. I'll personally go and see him. I assume he's in his study."

Where else could he possibly be? The only place I've seen him as of late is his study. If he were to take a break, or go somewhere else, I'd be surprised to say the least. He's even taken meals there instead of sitting at the table with the rest of us.

"Are you sure Ma'am?"

I straighten the fabric of my dress down. "Very sure. I'm sure he could use a break from his work nonetheless."

The study isn't far from my chambers. It's only a few minutes walk, and I allow for my mind to drift elsewhere during the process. It took many days to memorize what corridor went where and what room held what, but I've successfully managed to navigate my way around.

I knock on the study doors, waiting for the mumbled "come in." I'm pleased that I don't have to request an audience to be heard.

"I received your gift."

Pen scratching halts, and Garroth's eyes slowly lift to reach mine. "They're an heirloom."

I nod my head and walk towards the leather chairs in front of his desk. I rest my hand against the back of one, transferring some weight to the backing.

"They're beautiful. Thank you."

He smiles at this and looks back down at the paperwork. Bits of his hair fall forward in front of his face, creating a curtain to his eyes.

When he looked up at me, I couldn't help but notice how tired he looked. His lips are chapped, and his under eyes show signs of lack of sleep.

I can't help but walk behind him and place my hands on his shoulders, massaging them. His body is tense from overworking himself, but he doesn't flinch at my touch.

"I wish you would take a break. When was the last time you received fresh air that a window didn't provide?" I ask him, leaning forward to glance at the paperwork at hand.

Garroth scribbles his signature on the sheet before casting it to the side and fishing for another one. He stops for a moment, lifting a hand to place over one of mine. "There's just so much work to do and so very little time. How are your duties fairing you? Is my mother helping?"

I purse my lips together. "I'm getting them done. Though. . . she speaks of children already."

He groans, "I feared that would happen. And my father?"

"Favors me less than he did before."

This means Garte doesn't help him as much as I had hoped. Garroth would write to me of the time where he began to work side by side with his father. While Garroth learned, Garte had help. I had hoped Garte would continue to help Garroth even after his coronation and slowly limit his assistance until Garroth no longer required it. Zianna helps me with my affairs.

Though, I'm sure Garte would much rather I be someone else. I'm aware that Garte favored Nicole of Scaleswind over someone who was least likely to receive a crown in Meteli. Being the youngest and of a small kingdom doesn't seem pleasing for a King of O'Khasis. However, the princess had her eyes set on the second child of the family of Borobos, so she was wed quickly, and he reigned beside her as a lower status.

"My father will eventually learn that this is how things came to be. He thought of the arrangement originally, anyway."

"I'll never understand how that came to be," I admit, shrugging my shoulders. He moves backwards in his chair, causing me to move away from his path. Garroth looks up at me and pats his lap. I shake my head at this and inch towards his desk, picking up a piece of paper that has names scratched out in his hand. He reaches for it, scolding me. "What is so top secret that I can't read a list of names?"

"A list of suitors for Kandilyn."

My nose scrunches up at this. I nearly forgot about the plan to eventually marry Kandi off to someone else. Not Garroth's plan, of course, but leftover duties that Garte placed for Garroth to continue. Frankly, Garroth is the only Ro'meave child to be wed. The rest are in suits of suitors.

"Shouldn't you be doing something rather than invading my paperwork?"

I look down at him before snatching the paper from his hand. "Like what? Hosting a tea party?" My eyebrow lifts at the names. Garroth gives in with a huff but allows me to continue reading the short list nonetheless. I can tell that the list is continuing to grow.

Charles Fernandez

Jeffory Gardner

Albert Davis

Travis Valkrum

Gene Salvatore

Levin Phoenix

"Who on Earth are half of these people?" I ask him.

Garroth looks embarrassed that I've seen the paper. He diverts his eyes from me and casts them to the fire burning nearby. It takes time before he looks back in my direction.

"Some are noblemen in O'Khasis. You know a few. Father suggested the noblemen and others who live far off. It's just narrowing it down that has become the problem."

I lose interest in the topic. Slowly, but surely, the Ro'meaves will disperse to different areas, locked in marriage. Garroth doesn't speak about this topic very often, as I've grown close to the twins, but Vylad doesn't shy away from it as much as Garroth wishes he would.

"Perhaps I should go back to attending tea parties. They certainly are filled with ill gossip. In fact, I was invited to one by Nicole. I believe your sister was invited as well," I say, beginning to take my exit. Garroth rolls his eyes at my attitude and returns his chair directly behind his desk. "Rumor has it that the eldest son of Falconclaw's engagement fell through. Shouldn't that be something to look into? After all, they are our neighbors."

Garroth looks up at me. It's clear this was news I heard before him, and his pen begins to glide against the page.

"I best go back to my duties. Your mother spoke of volunteer work."

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