chapter twenty three

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Elizabeth started to quickly sprout up like a flower. It wasn't very long from when she began to crawl that she chose to walk. Then from walking, she turned to running. She runs circles around me now. 

Her vocabulary is starting to grow as well. She doesn't mumble meaningless babbles anymore. While she doesn't use complete sentences made out of full words, she has created her own vocabulary that we are beginning to understand. 

Elizabeth favors her father on her appearance. She has his blue eyes, and her blonde hair is tied up with ribbons and curled into ringlets. Despite this, I like to think she has my nose. A very prominent Zvahl nose. In fact, this is a similarity Laurance and I share. 

I've taken Elizabeth outside. It's late autumn, so the temperature is beginning to drop, but it doesn't stop us. Garroth worries she'll catch a cold, but Edith and I have bundled her up far more than either of us combined. I don't plan on being out here very long, but the fresh air is nice while the temperature lasts. 

The sound of crunching nearby becomes more present. At first I think it's Garroth coming to scold me, but the gentleness in the incoming voice is different. Instead, I learn it is Vylad. 

"Garroth doesn't like the idea of you taking Elizabeth outside," he says, sitting down beside me and reaching for her. I hand him Elizabeth and help tuck her in tighter within her blanket. Only her rosy cheeks and bright blue eyes peep through the cocoon. "But I say let her enjoy the outdoors young. We played in colder weather than this as children."

I laugh, "Do you think the snow will be taller than her?"

"She's got some growing to do yet, but I can't predict the weather," he tells me, leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Though, I wanted to talk to you about something. I met someone." 

The way he speaks tells me he didn't meet an intellectual that he can share his ideas with. He has met someone he has sparked a romantic interest in. I'm happy for him, but I'm torn. Selfishly, I want him to stay, but I want him to live a life of his own. He's my best friend, but parting is hard. 

"Is she nice? Pretty?" 

I don't know if it's from the wind or emotions, but his cheeks have tinted a light pink. I don't believe I've ever truly seen him blush like this before. The only time I've seen him blush before may be when he has been embarrassed. 

"I'd say so. She isn't as high up in society as Lillian was, but she's not dirt poor. Though, that has never mattered to me before in the past." 

I slowly stand up from the ground, brushing off dead leaves and grass from my bottom. I turn to Edith, motioning that I wish for her to take Elizabeth inside. I press a kiss against Elizabeth's forehead before watching Vylad reluctantly give up my daughter. 

"Have you spoken to your brother regarding this?"

He only nods his head and eyes me skeptically. "He supports my decision. I've been granted permission to court her." 

I let out a shaky exhale and comment that I've grown chilling. I don't give Vylad much time to speak during this as I've already made up my mind and call for tea when we return inside. My coat and gloves are taken from me, and an update is given that Edith says Elizabeth is warming up.

"You don't support this." 

I turn to Vylad with a frown. "I completely support it, Vylad. You know me better than anyone else. I'll do whatever you want me to. Help you with a ring. Invite her for tea. Invite her to join me on some of my appearances. I'm in shock. Just a few months ago you had stated you didn't have an eye for anyone. And now. . . I just need a moment to wrap my head around this."

He reaches for my hand like a plea. "I assure you Juliette is everything I could want and more." 

"Juliette? That's her name?" 

He nods.


Garroth is already in bed by the time I've begun to brush my hair out. I'm sitting an my vanity, having a conversation with him. He sudden changes the topic to Vylad and his lover. 

"He told me about her today. I'm happy for him."

I place my brush down and walk towards my spot in the bed, lifting the covers and slipping inside. Garroth places his book down on the nightstand. I'm not sure how much of it he truly remembers when he was multitasking.

"He seems absolutely smitten with her. He's the last Ro'meave to fall in love. Soon these halls will be nearly empty." 

"Yeah, empty."

The bed shifts when Garroth inches closer to me, pulling me into his chest. Heat radiates off of his skin. 

"What's wrong, my love? You don't seem happy for Vylad."

I nuzzle myself deeper into the pillow. I already wish this conversation was over with. 

"I am happy. I'm going to miss him. Kandi left. Zane left. It's you, me, your parents, and our one year old daughter. There's too many rooms for there to be so few people.

His lips press against the back of my head, arms becoming tighter around me. "We've grown up, Alex. We're not as young as we used to be. Vylad is ready to break free. He'll stay in O'Khasis, and you can see him whenever. Besides, Elizabeth is growing older. This allows us to be in her life more." 

"I suppose you're right," I say. I feel tired, but my thoughts are fighting against it. Elizabeth is a year and half old. She's growing up so quickly. "Do you think Elizabeth would want a little sibling?" 

This takes Garroth by surprise. A small breath of air is taken in, and he's silent. "You mean. . . you're ready for another child?" 

"Yeah. . . maybe Vylad's news was just an eye opener of how much time has really passed."

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