chapter thirteen

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I watched the summer flowers bloom after their spring companions passed on. Fallen leaves replaced the flowers, and the air grew chilly. Bitter cold and snow took over, creating a blanket of white across O'Khasis. 

It is now mid-January. Months have passed ever since the engagement ball. The same time where I grew angered with my husband for performing his duties. Time has progressed, and my anger has boiled over into forgiveness. 

Kandi married last month, and Zianna speaks of nothing but children. She excitedly talks my ear off as she hopes for news of an heir from her daughter soon. For now, she has stopped pressuring me on the topic of children of my own.

Garroth and I both caved in early. He promised he'd tell me of important events that would change both our lives, no matter how small. I promised to have a more open mindset to his duties. We've done well since then. 

I still don't favor the idea of Vylad marrying so soon, but we're growing older. He hasn't yet begun to court either.

"Our little Zane has finally grown up."

Confusion overtakes me. A servant is speaking to me regarding preparations for Zianna's birthday dinner. I tell them we'll continue this conversation later and to forward the plans of what we have currently to the chef. 

"Don't speak of Zane as if he is my child. And don't speak to me as if we're married," I say, turning on my heel to face Vylad. He has a cheeky grin plastered on his face, so he must have some form of news. "What is the news with Zane? And how do you know?"

"You forget that our staff adores me," Vylad says. I motion for him to begin walking. Even if it means promenading around our corridors, it's far better than standing in place. "And I'm hurt. You're my closest friend, and you speak so cruelly to me. I must not share the news." 

"Oh, shush," I tease. "Zane had become a man long ago. Now, tell me, what is the news with my dear brother-in-law?"

"Zane is courting a noble's daughter. Lillian, I believe her name to be," he says, his cocky smile reappearing across his lips. "It became official as of three days ago." 

"Is Garroth aware of the courtship?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, eyes questioning. 

Vylad sends me a playful look. I shake my head, rolling my eyes jokingly in response. I smile, muttering that he's still a child and I have work to do. 

"Why would I need to tell him when you're doing it right now?" He calls, his words following down the hall to where I've lingered. 


"Zane is in a romantic relationship," I say, giving Garroth little to no time to realize what is happening. I'm already standing by his desk by the time he sets down his pen. 

He stares at me for a moment and blinks. "What?"

"Zane, your brother, is in a courtship with a noble girl." 

He lifts an eyebrow. Clearly, he was unaware of this news. "It isn't like Zane to tell anyone of news such as this. Always been secretive. Who is she anyway?" 

"Lillian. . . something. I can't recall the name off the top of my head," I say, waving my hand around in an attempt to remember the name. 

"It's a higher up family. It doesn't surprise me he chose that route," he says. Garroth stops paying attention to me and goes back to his work. "She's a bit of a snob from what I've heard." 

My eyes widen at his insult. He doesn't pay much attention to my scolding, but he's more likely to know Lilian on a more personal level than myself. I can't even remember her last name. 

"Garroth, I helped you marry Kandi off to a man who is older than her."

"I'm older than you," Garroth says. 

"Only by three years," I sigh. "He's older than her by seven. Isn't that concerning? She's practically a child." 

"She'll be alright." 


It's rare there's enough calm in a day to be able to admire my husband. It just so happens he's fast asleep next to me. His lips are parted ever so slightly, and I can hear his quiet breaths. He looks peaceful when he sleeps. I think this is the only time Garroth is truly at ease. 

Morning sun breaks through cracks in the curtains, shining onto his tanned skin. His eyes slowly flutter open. 

"Good morning," he croaks, voice heavy in sleep. "Do you normally watch me when I sleep?"

I laugh, adjusting how I'm laying beside him. I prop my head against my hand, causing my elbow to support all my weight. My hair is a  mess, and I can see it sprawled out across my pillow. 

"Of course not," I admit, smiling softly. "I was simply admiring you."

He reaches his hand up and lifts a strand of my hair. Garroth stares at it before dropping it against the sheets. I follow his hand with my gaze, and he brings his hand to rest against my cheek. 

"This is my favorite sight of you."

"Why's that? My hair's a mess, and I look disheveled." 

"Because only a select handful of people can see you this way," he coos. "It just so happens I am one of them."

This sweet moment turns sour when a turning in my stomach starts. I sit in place, placing my hand over my mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick," I state. 

"Was I too cliché?" Garroth believes I'm joking. His attitude changes when he sits abruptly in the bed, placing his hand on my back. "Are you alright?" 

I shake my head, the nausea waving away. "I'm alright. I may be ill. It's that time of year. It's alright. . . It's only been like this for a day or two."

Garroth disagrees with me and places his hand against my forehead. There's no temperature, so he checks under my jaw for swelling glands. 

"I wonder if we should call for a doctor," he sighs. "Or at least cancel your engagements."

I shake my head. "Only if you cancel your duties for the day." I look at Garroth so some form of response. "We both know that's impossible."

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