chapter eighteen

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"Why, if it isn't a young queen in the making."

I lift my head up from my feet. I've been staring at the tips of my toes for a few minutes now. My ladies are fiddling with my dress, so I don't have anywhere else to go. My toes have become a distraction from my running thoughts.

"I believe the future king to be a better sight."

Zianna chuckles, walking towards me and waves off my ladies. They step beside, moving away to give the two of us space. "I plan on visiting my son briefly after this meeting. Besides, I see myself in you. A young girl preparing to become a queen."

"Were you nervous? Afraid?"

My hands ball up, and sweat coats the skin. I rub it off on my dress from habit.

Zianna looks into the mirror in front of us. Her gaze lingers there. "Of course I was. I still am from time to time. I don't suppose it's a feeling you ever conquer. Will I be a good ruler? Is this a wise decision? Is this what is right for my country? As your confidence grows, the doubt slowly diminishes. Though. . . it never truly goes away."

"That wasn't necessarily the truth I wanted to hear," I admit. I lick my dry lips and look around for a glass of water. My mouth is completely dry, and I can't produce enough saliva to fix it. "I wanted you to lie and say that it'll become easier, and I won't ever feel nervous again."

I feel like a child when she cups my face in her hands. Father never did this to me, and the governess rarely ever cradled my face within her hands. I feel her love radiate through the warmth of her hands. Despite the fear, I smile.

"I cannot bring myself to tell a lie like that." Zianna let's go, flattening her dress. Somehow she's already dressed for the festivities, but it doesn't surprise me with how prepared she always is. "Now, that isn't the only reason why I have come. Are you pregnant yet?"

It's been seven months ever since Garroth and I got married. "I . . . don't believe so," I state, looking off to the side. "I believe my measurements to be the same as before. I feel fine."

She sighs, turning around on her heel before fixing a stray hair in her chignon. Zianna offers me a smile and wishes me good luck before walking out the doors.


Some already left for the church while others stayed behind. I've been told it's time for me to make my way towards the front doors and that we'd leave when both Garroth and I were ready. I'm not becoming a king, but I feel enough nerves that I may as well be.


Garroth's voice causes me to turn around. I can feel the fabric trailing behind me refuse to move in the process, pressing against my leg.

"Garroth?" I whisper, looking for my husband. I smile when I see him, and my feet quicken in pace towards him. I reach forward to adjust his robes, but he stops me by grabbing onto my wrists. Like a scolded child, I stare up at him. "My goodness. You look so handsome. So. . . in charge."

His hands slowly travel towards my hips, resting there as he pulls me closer to him. "I've never seen you as regal as you appear right now," he says. "Though, I have seen you far more beautiful."

My eyes widen at him, but he doesn't let me pull away. "Excuse me? That's rude."

"You didn't allow me to finish. I think you look far more beautiful when you first wake up in the morning."

I roll my eyes and rest my hands on his chest. Garroth leans forward and presses kisses against my lips. I can't help but giggle in-between them. Between our wedding to now, I have developed a rather large crush on him. A crush on my husband. How silly.

"Gargar," Zianna makes herself seen in the empty corridor, surprised when she sees the two of us together. The surprise is quickly replaced with happiness. "Good, you both are here. Start making your way towards the front doors. The rest of us are ready to leave."

Garroth lets me go and nods to his mother. She lets out a girly giggle and quickly walks off. The sound of her heels fading the further she goes.

I turn towards Garroth. The two of us stare at one another. There's a sense of tension filling the air, but I know it's from nerves.

I take a step back and allow myself to drop down into a deep curtsy for him. "Your Majesty."

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