chapter two

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"Father wants you to be on your best behavior."

Laurance's gaze is serious. I've never been one to misbehave, so I do not understand why my behavior is suddenly a priority. 

"I have no reason not to be. Has my recent behavior begun to worry him?"

He runs his hand through his hair, careful to refrain from messing with it too much. Ever since he began preparing to become King, he's been overly obsessive with his appearance. 

"Not that I'm aware of. Father just wants you to be on your absolute best behavior at this event."

I cast my gaze outside the window. Tonight marks a ball, and it's one of the few outings I've attended since I came out to society. Father was this way towards Cadenza when she came out, but it was more tamed. Cadenza never made a mistake. Always poised and proper. Knew the right words to say and when to keep quiet. 

My only downfall is that I lack that skill. 


"I honestly thought your dance card would be fuller than it currently is."

Kandi looks down at the dance card hanging from her wrist. She shrugs at the object, lowering her arm back down to her side. "Sometimes I appreciate a break. But what about yours? Too empty?" 

I narrow my eyes. Despite being as far away from one another on a typical basis as we are, outings like this have caused Kandi and I to become closer acquaintances. 

"Father said to be on my best behavior, so I am."

She looks down at the dance card and lifts it between her two fingers. "This is far too dry. You're out in society. You should interact with men more."

I pull my hand away from her, hovering it over my chest. My fingers latch around the necklace around my neck, toying with the jewels by twisting them around my fingers. Cadenza would scold me. Cadenza would scold me for how empty my dance card is too. 

Kandi's attention is directed elsewhere when I return my gaze to her. I squint to see whom she's staring at, but figures remain to be a blur within the pool of people. Two figures emerge, and the mop of blond alerts me to drop into a curtsy. 

When I rise, I hear quiet chuckling. My cheeks flush pink from embarrassment. 

"Her dance card is dreadfully dry," Kandi states, looking between me and her brothers. I refrain from rolling my eyes, but her bluntness is both annoying and embarrassing. 

Perhaps I enjoy being by myself in a room full of people. 

"I'm sure your brothers have far more important people to dance with," I say. 

Green eyes lock with mine as my wrist is raised. The small pencil connected to a string scribbles down a delicate V. Ro'meave. 

He looks up at me once more and gives me a crooked smile. "It just so happened I was free for this next dance."

Don't say something witty. 

I can't help but look at my dance card. There are names on it, I will admit that. However, it's not as many as my father would hope for. I haven't truly tried to indulge myself into any conversations. I'm sure if I walked over to my brother and started up a conversation, I could gain more. 

"I have time." The voice causes my breath to hitch in my chest. It's inaudible, thankfully, but physically noticeable. "Father has me talking to other rulers, but I have time to spare for a dance."

Part of me wants to crawl inside of myself and never come out. The other part is happy that I didn't have to try as hard as I thought. 

He's hesitant to reach for my dance card. The two of us look at each other, shy. My arm slowly raises up, allowing my dance card to be accessible. As more people look at it, I feel silly for being so lazy. I can't even look him in the eye. 

"The next dance will start soon, and I'm parched. Vylad, be a dear and retrieve me something to drink."

Vylad looks reluctant to listen to his sister's demands. He gives in, walking off with Garroth before leaving Kandi and I alone together once more. 

I look down at my dance card. G. Ro'meave. "You're going to be the death of me. I was content with being lonesome." 

"I wasn't. It's a bore watching you do this on your own."

I swallow the lump that hides in my throat. I realize it's much harder than I thought as my mouth has run dry. 

Kandi looks proud of herself when I look over to her. I wish I had that confidence. Perhaps that's what she gets for being from O'Khasis. Who do I have to fight in Meteli? 

Her brothers come back, handing me a drink much to my surprise. Kandi has a knowing look in her eyes, but I have an upset stomach.

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