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Life isn't easy for anyone, whether you have money or not... Until he was 6, he used to live in orphanage.. His only solace was his mother's diary...

Because of it he knew that, he wasn't abandoned by his mother.. Her love for was so strong she willing to give up her for him...

His first day on this world became her last..

Even though his parents are together now.. Still his disbelief in love and marriage yet to disappear...

His hate for his father lessen seeing how much of effort he is putting on to care for her... He had already given up the idea of separating his parents anymore... After witness how Khushi is more in relax in that man's presence...

Making him and Payal amuse that the great ASR is learning how to hold babies.. And how care for a pregnant mother..

Seeing this one thing changed in his mind... He would be like a child of his own.... One day...


She been struggling to tie her dori for past few minutes now...She is currently 6months pregnant.. She heard a creak of her room door..

Khushi can clearly see who is it, but still.. "Deepika, can you please help me with this?"

He walked in silently, he know.. She is aware of his presence and still pretending.. She is still mad at him, it is given to what he had did to her..

Stand behind her, slowly tied her dori...
"What would like have for dinner?" He asked her.

Khushi feels goosebumps hearing that, "You're going to cook?" She asked him, raising her eyebrow.

She heard him chuckle.. "I won't risk your and our baby's health..." She nods..
"We're going out for dinner, like we used to do when.. We were together.. Dinner date.."

Khushi frowned, "Alone?"

Arnav felt like laughing, "Of course."

Khushi definitely not liking the idea, "No I'm not coming."

Arnav didn’t have any idea why is being rejected? "Why Khushi? I mean.. Are you not feeling well or something?"

Khushi's reply was still silence.

Her quietness and silence caused him to feel nervous, as well as a dense layer of fear and panic.

Suppressing the sadness in her heart, she spoke.. "What about Raghu? How can you not think of him? What will he eat?"

Arnav burst out of laughing, "Khushi... Raghu is not a child, he can fend for himself, sometimes you behave like his mother.."

Khushi gave him a glare, "Raghu like homemade foods.."

He raised his hand and gently rubbed his face, "Ok wait, let me call him and ask.."

Raghu picked his call after few rings, "Hello?"

"Raghu, me and Khushi both are going on date, would you like to join us? " Arnav is holding back his smile.. While Khushi is upset at him..

"Huh? Why would I join you both?" Raghu laughed, is parent making fun of him for not having a girlfriend? He somehow became envious, wondering whether he could also meet someone who would stay with him for a lifetime

"Because Khushi is worried about your dinner, so she wanted to ask you to join us." He said, with a smirk.

"No thanks, you both enjoy your lovely Date.. I will take care of myself. Let me remind you both that I am older that both of you guys.." Raghu replied.

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