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Everything returned back to normal no more misunderstanding, no more arguments, Rashmi met with Khushi and they both became best friends, so is Saira and Shakshi..

Raghu felt happy that they are getting along, what more can he wish for more? Saira is being adored by Khushi and Rashmi, having two mother in law who treat you like their own is something extraordinary.

He blinked his eyes at her in assurance that this will be their family.. Happy and peaceful.

Saira gulped, only she only aware of the growing distance between her and Varsha.. She can't understand what went wrong in their friendship?

Did she is the only one who treasured the beautiful friendship?
Why did she change so suddenly?

Arnav felt something is off about his daughters.. Especially Varsha who avoids Saira like a plague..

Arnav decide to have a heart to heart talk with her, he had called her to his study room.

"Sit." He said with calmly. Which she did obediently.

"Anything wrong dad? Why are so serious?" She asked him with a smile, feeling a bit caution of his temper which he never use on her... Still..

"What's wrong with you and Saira? Anyway problem that you should let me know?" He asked in serious tone.

"No…nothing." She tugged the corner of her lips up fakely.

The smile on her face gradually faded. Varsha felt betrayed, why does it feel like her own father is blaming her?

Arnav tapped his slender finger on his thigh, "Don't lie.. You're avoiding her nowadays.. She is your favourite sister, your best friend.. Now your brother's would be wife, your soon to be sister in law." He pointed out the facts.

She listened with hard feelings, "She.. She is not our family, if she was.. She wouldn't look at bhaiya that way.. You're right that she will be my Bhabhi, only when after she gets married to Bhaiya, now she is no one to me." She answered stubbornly making Arnav frown.

"Varsha nowadays you remind me someone I used to know.. She was adamant and totally spoiled till the end which ruined her entire life.. You're my daughter who I hope you be like Khushi.. Give love to other and get it double from others. I hope you will understand, don't let Raghu know this stuff between you and Saira.. That guy, he will blame himself again. Understand? "He basically warned her.

She nodded silently and left with sad face.

Arnav sighed heavily, being the head of the family is tiring, may be it is the time for him to leave in hands of his son..

Raghuvendra Pratap Singh Raizada..

He wonder if Raghu will ever change his surname to Raizada? His son lived two lives with his current name, his own identity.. Will he change for sake of Raizada family?

Will Raghuvendra Pratap Rathore be a true Raizada?


Khushi clear her throat and winked at Raghu who keep looking at Saira for a while now.

They both blushed hard when she noticed them both.

Saira looked down and focused on her food, blaming her new boyfriend for not agreeing to Khushi's suggestion when she proposed them to get married.

He wants to date her for a while. Want to enjoy his single life for a while he said. Even after being single for his whole life...

Varsha turned silent ever since she went to talk with her father which make Saira felt a bit of a guilt, she hope Varsha will turn back to normal again like before.

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