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Alex sighed heart a report from his butler regarding Lady Rathore... She is on strike.... Not eating and sleeping well.. All she does is crying.

Even his household's butler felt bad for that littler girl, "Poor girl must be missing her family so much. Tsk.. Tsk.. There is no one here to take care of her.. Poor thing..."

Alex glared at head butler in annoyance. What could he do? If she is missing her family? She is the one who stubbornly ran out of her house.. Unruly lady..

Whatever, currently she is his responsibility..

He sighed hard and called Rathore's number," Rathore.. I need your help.."

That being said..

Soon Varsha's rooms decorated with her fluffy friends which she had in previous room..

She was surprised but happy to hug her dear teddy bear that made her smile after a very long time, holding it tightly in her arms, it was a gift from Saira..

Saira and her inseparable from their childhood, whatever secret Saira held in heart.. She always opens up to her.. Even about her feelings for Raghu..

Saira never hide anything from her...

"I miss you sai..." She said with teary eyes. She feels so lonely in this scary mansion..

Alex stood frozen at the door of her room, her smile... It is the first he witness her smile.... She looks similar to Raghu when she smiles...

Lady Rathore...   "…You’re so beautiful.'' As if he were talking to himself, Alex blurted out, makes his butler beside him jump in surprise.

He averted his burning gaze away.. And walks out... He is getting addicted to that smile...

And that isn't good... Not at all.


Lunch was made especially for her, her favourite dished were served, Craftsmanship of his family cooks are very exquisite after all.

She ate more than usual, still...

She didn't smile, he wonder why..

"I miss my sister.. Sai.. Can I please talk to her just once?" Her lips trembled in sorrow and fear, will Saira ever forgive her for ruining her dream wedding? For causing her nothing but trouble?

His heart harden at thought of Rathore's heart broken plea that day when she eloped...

He raised his eyebrow," After what you have done. Do you think your brother will allow you to communicate with her?"

Varsha looks down at her plate, "I was very wrong.. I know.. But I can't change the past.. Please I just want to call her at least."

Alex furrow his eyebrow, he took a deep breath. "Finish your food first." He commanded. She tried to finish her food faster so she could talk to her sister faster, she end up choking her food.

He cursed himself and pat her back.. He helped her drink water.

He calmed down once she is fine, "Eat slowly, I'm not running away." He said strictly. She pout and eats slowly..

Alex noticed that his butler is looking at them with a doting smile... He glare at that poor old butler for misunderstanding the whole situation..

He is just caring for her because she is Lady Rathore. She can't ever become Madam Wynknight and no way..

After the lunch...

He dialed Rathore's number and handed it to her. Caution not to let her to dial.. She might try to contact Kapoor family,by taking advantage of this situation..

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