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Woman's institution is something that cannot be explained, but she is sure that he is definitely hiding something...

Those eyes of his appeared to have made him more reserved and mysterious...

She sucked in a deep breath, taking a step forward and earnestly examining the person in front of her... The only man she ever like was him...

Forget him is near to the impossible when he is a gentle man.. She notice how she lost her composure whenever he is around and he is always there to support her..

He act as if doesn't care but.. He jumped from seat and snatched the snack from her hand, "You're allergic to nut. This biscuits contains nuts."

Stop caring..

Please don't make me fall for you even more....

Please do something so I could hate and forget you...

Varsha likes to act like child sometimes, she in last minute wanted to wear the Lehenga she brought for sangeet.. Being the elder she always gives her everything to her younger sister..

But her heart always gets tighten as she doesn't get to wear her favourite color Lehenga..

Raghu tapped his finger and pointed it out that Varsha shouldn't be taking advantage of Saira like this..

Varsha stomped her foot and went away with upset face, leaving Raghu and Saira...

Saira was dazed. He had a complicated expression before softly beginning to speak, "I saw.. That day you were so happy to purchase this dress.. You shouldn't give your things like that easily.."

He noticed her.. Her likes and dislikes...

"You.." He stopped suddenly, then took a few steps back, "Nothing.." He left her hanging like that..

Saira frowned seeing Arnav standing there behind her..

Does papa know something?


Arnav could understand their feelings of a glimpses of it.. They both like each other.. Raghu won't accept it because he committed a huge amount damage to Shakshi and he indeed needs to take a responsibility for it.

Yet.. He still couldn't believe his son did something like that...

His son was a better person than him... In every way... Then why...

Whatever happened couldn't be changed... If Raghu is determined on taking responsible of Shakshi then Saira.. He have to keep Saira away from Raghu..

He knocked and walked in to Raghu's room, "You said you are not interested... But your actions are opposite of your words. Stop complicating stuff Raghu."

"Dad.. I have decided." He stated suddenly.

Arnav had a very bad feeling about it..

"I'm leaving the country after your remarriage with mom. I'm going to London with Shakshi." He said in solemnly.

Arnav was stunned, "What the.. Why? Khushi and I just got you back... Why are you leaving us again? Because of Saira?"

Raghu took a deep breath, forced himself to look away from the other person's face, "Don't think that this is the better way?"

Arnav felt so much anger, as he spoke up. "Are you running away from your own feelings? You didn't even think about Khushi?"

"I will be gone for a while for a while.. I already plan to tell her, that I will going for a new project there, that way mom won't be able to stop.. As for Saira, she will forget me and move on for better.."

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