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Khushi inhale the air of her home after a very long time, reminiscing her beautiful childhood where she was nothing but happy no matter what happened..

Then she met Arnav Singh Raizada, the man who changed her entire life with his presence. He was a man who knew only to show his anger... That was his only expression.. Until he gets to know her...

Khushi clear her throat grabbed her handsome husband.. "What's on your mind?"

He looks sad, stressed. "Khushi, did we raised her wrong?"

Khushi know who he is talking about,"We gave her all the love we had.. Raghu's disappearance made us protective of her.. We spoiled her a lot.. Now we're facing the consequences of it."

Khushi stared at her husband of 30 years... He already growing older, so she is..

"Sometimes I envy of Rashmi.. She gets to raise our son, he is who he is because her and her family upbringing.. She is such a strong woman.."She said honestly.

Also added," She showed me his childhood pictures, he was so tiny.. So fragile... She said until he turn 4, he tends to get sick very often.. Once he was admitted to hospital.. I trembled at such a thought of being in pain.. Then I saw video of him going to school very first time... He was sniffing his tiny nose, crying hard not wanting to let go of  Rashmi's pallu.. Arnavji.. I wish I was there... Why did god snatched away those precious moments away from us? "

Arnav swallowed hard," Khushi.. Whoever snatched our son away from us... They will suffer the pain we have gone through.. "

Khushi wiped her tears," Arnavji, I hope to see our Raghu's children soon. I don't want to miss a single moment of their life.."

Arnav paused for a moment.." We will. "


Sheetal Kapoor, Daughter of well known Kapoor family.

From a very young age, she was raised like a princess, there is nothing she couldn't have.. Everything was within her reach... But fate proved her wrong..


Her first and last love... A simple crush became a long-term obsession when he simply ignored her very existence....

"Who are you again?" His nonchalant tone was his trade mark.

She desired to make him hers....

She became close friends with Anjali, to be future ASR...

Her every action were fruitless.....

He become someone else!

She couldn't tolerate it......

They deserve to suffer....

She never once regretted exchanging those babies...

Her love was true.. She lived her whole life thinking of him....

Her dear brother and sister in law suddenly died in landslide while travelling... Their son Aarav became her responsibility. In heart she always considered him as her son..

Soon he became her whole world.. He is only one who told her he avenge her... To destroy the whole Raizada family..

But she never knew one thing....

What kind of person the child she once took from Khushi would be...

Raghuvendra Pratap Rathore..

What he could be capable of doing to her and her son...

She broken down tears as the police told her that cannot trace her son's whereabouts..


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