Khushi, I got a surprise for you...

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Khushi's birthday is coming up, they planned a celebration for her..

After Anjali's scheme came to light, lot of things changed.. Payal and Akash decided to get shifted to Lucknow, Nani got sick so Manorama and her husband took her Singapore to get her treated..

After surgery Nani did live for few years but in end she end up passing away.. Both Mami and Mamaji went settled down with Akash and Payal, Payal continued her studies while Mamiji took care of her children, twins Yash and Adya.

Payal and Mamiji often visit Khushi now and then whenever the children are on their vacation..

Khushi loves Payal's children a lot.. Especially Yash... He often reminds her of her son... If he was with her.. He would also be this naughty right?

Yash, Adya and Saira are born on same year.. They are lot more closer to each other.. Making Varsha who is younger envy of their friendship...

Varsha is apple of Arnav's eye, Saira is more close to Khushi..

Arnav spoils his daughter alot sometimes that makes Khushi worried what if she becomes like Anjali?

Arnav laugh, "She is your daughter.. Don't worry about it.."

Years have passed but her fear of Anjali's obsession never changed..


Kapoor estate..

Sheetal was drinking her white coffee with evil smile on her face..

"So? You... Changed the babies?" Anjali asked in fear. "You're insane!" She exclaimed..

Sheetal laughed, "You know we both are... I wanted ASR! But I couldn't! That woman took him away from me.... How can I let them live in peace after that?"

Anjali stuttered, "But.. But... Why didn't you just bring that baby to me?!"

Sheetal sighed, "Maybe.. He never meant to be yours.. I disguise as a nurse and exchange her baby to that dead baby.. I almost got caught so I end up placing Khushi's child in that dead baby's crib.. But result was satisfactory for me so I did not regret it.."

Anjali nodded," Yeah, that's fine... As long as that Khushi suffer! "

Sheetal gritted her teeth," I loved ASR... I waited for so long.... Anjali you promised me that you will get me married to him but you failed.. But this Sheetal will never fail... I will never let that family to live happily! "She swore...

Anjali feels bad for Sheetal... Sheetal didn't get marry and stay single for Arnav.. Even to this day...

" I don't want him anymore.. But I won't let him be happy either... Khushi will never forget her son... She will die yearning for her son!" She said with and evil smile..

"Yea.. I hope for that too.."Anjali support her..


DNA Report came positive, Raghu and Arnav both look at it in tears..

" Then.. That deceased baby is.. Could it be Rashmi maa's?" Raghu could help but feel bad for Rashmi... She have no one now except for him.. Who she thought is her son...

"Aren't you going to let her know?"Arnav asked insensitively..

Raghu was in conflict.. Rashmi is rather more emotional than Khushi... She is fragile.. After divorcing her husband, she lived only for his sake...

" Raghu.. My son..." Arnav call him..

" Don't tell the media about this matter.. I will always be a Rathore.. My Rashmimaa, I can't let her get hurt in any way... Please.." Raghu said feeling broken..

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