Chapter 8: Useful Alliances

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At the Spinning Wheel... 

'We've received accounts of First Army units found massacred here, here, and here,' Nikolai Lantsov said, pointing to the map, as Alina and Mal stood nearby. The former privateer had since changed out of his Sturmhond persona, fully embracing his role as prince of Ravka, second son of the King. 

'Too far to be Shu incursions,' Mal remarked. 

'Or Fjerdan,' Alina said. 

'There's good evidence these units were holding Grisha captive,' Nikolai replied. 'Some reports say soldiers were mutilated. Some cut in half.'

'It's Kirigan, isn't it?' Alina asked. 

'It is,' a voice said. They turned to see shadows swirling around an otherwise invisible figure, before the shadows parted to reveal myself standing near the far wall. I gave Alina a nod, then looked at Nikolai and stepped up to the table. 

'We haven't been able to find his base camp -' Nikolai began to say, but I cut him off. 

'I might have a good idea of where it is.' 

'No way he survived the Fold,' Mal whispered in shock. 

'He's survived it before,' Alina replied. 'Besides, he's the only one who can do the Cut. Baghra and Adela, yes, but this is him.' 

'It's true. I can do the Cut, but I'm not responsible for this mess. The needless slaughtering of First Army soldiers, however cruel they may be towards my people, has to cease,' I interjected. 

'If he's alive, word will reach him about your attempt in the Fold,' Nikolai said. 

' "Attempt",' Alina scoffed. 

'No disrespect meant,' Nikolai replied. 

'No. You're right. That's what it was. An attempt. You both saw my light. It was strong and angry and dangerously off-kilter. I can train to master what I have, but I'm afraid it won't be enough.' 

'We need to find the third amplifier,' Mal said. 

'Firebird,' I spoke, drawing their attention. 'So it's true. You already have the Sea Whip, Alina Starkov. Congratulations.' Nikolai moved away from us. 

'The more we search for it, we are at the mercy of your protection in this country,' Alina said. 

'Well, until then, a proposal,' Nikolai said, turning to them. 'We can try to stop this country from falling apart and tell the Fjerdans to shove their bounty up their ass in the process.' 

'How do you propose we do that?' I asked. 

'I bring you three under the wing of the royal family, my name becomes a shelter to you and a banner under which we can enact change.'

'Your name?' Mal asked. 

'Wait. This is a "proposal", proposal,' Alina spoke. 'You're suggesting marriage.' She turned away in disgust, as did Mal. 

'I'm not proposing a love match,' Nikolai replied hastily. 'Just a political alliance of Grisha and otkazat'sya.' 

'Well, that's just what royal marriages are, aren't they?' Mal asked. 'Strategy.' 

'Precisely. Maybe we never get to marriage,' Nikolai said. 'An engagement signals a strong commitment to cooperation, and it will allow us to enact meaningful change for Grisha and Ravka.' Alina scoffed, turning away. 'I've seen what you both mean to each other. I understand if you decline, but I hope you weigh the options and consider the benefits.' Mal nodded, and Nikolai walked away, as did I. 

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