Chapter 16: Adela Kirigan and the Triumvirate

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Several weeks later... 

I straightened the black dress I was wearing. The black dress with gold accents. It was always my brother's colour, but even I wore it well. The door opened, and I heard the guard's voice say, 

'The Apparat, Miss Kirigan.' I turned to see the spiritual advisor, the Apparat, walk in. I inclined my head. 

'I must confess, I never quite know what to call you.'

'You have changed much, Miss Kirigan. Vastly different from the young princess running through these halls.' 

'Yes, well - haven't we all,' I said, taking the decanter near me with black gloved fingers and pouring myself a glass. 'It's been a transformative couple of weeks.'

'You are not safe here.' I was halfway through swallowing a gulp of wine, and nearly spit it out. 

'I'm sorry?' 

'They will fear you, as they did your brother. And when they do, you will not be safe. Not even the Crown, or the Sun Saint, can protect you.' 

'I think I can protect myself. Even from the most vicious of heathens.' I swallowed another gulp of wine. 'The question is -' I added, walking up to the Apparat, 'will anyone actually be smart enough to trust me? I am nothing like my brother, and I intend to take whatever role may come within the new King's court with all manner of dignity and respect.' 

'They do not trust you. And they never will. To them, you're just another General Kirigan.' I poured another glass and swallowed the lot, coughing at the burn in my throat. 

'I will respect you, Apparat, but I do not have to like you. Yes, they will fear me - but they will also trust me. Be very afraid of what I might do to my enemies, make no mistake about that. I intend to inspire a healthy fear, that I have power within the court. Nikolai sees my value, as does the rest of the court, and I intend to prove that I am not just another General Kirigan. I bid you good day, Apparat.' I inclined my head once more, and the spiritual advisor turned and left, but not before he turned and spoke for a final time. 

'You are alone in this world, Adela Kirigan, and you always will be.' 

'Sage advice,' I said, shadows curling around my gloved fingers. 'I'll see you in the great hall for the prince's coronation.' The man turned and left, and the guards shut the doors after him. 

In another part of the castle...

Alina stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the large tiara on her head. The doors opened suddenly, and Nikolai stepped into the room. 

'A visit from the King?' she asked in amusement. 

'Well, not until the Apparat drapes a dead animal on me and bonks my head with a sceptre,' Nikolai replied cheekily. 

'It's very noble, this whole royal thing. Are you checking in on me?' she asked. 'Or are you hiding from what comes next?' 

'Can it be both? Can it be me coming to thank you for... I would be so incredibly, ultimately alone in this moment were it not for you.'

'All of Ravka loves you. Though Fjerda might not be so thrilled with the coronation falling on the same night as Hringkalla.'

'Let me phrase it differently. Were it not for you, I would be the loneliest king in the world. You're the Sun Summoner, saviour of Ravka. I'm honoured to have you by my side.' 

'You're not going to have them clink glasses and make us kiss for them, are you?' she asked. 

'No. No kissing. Not unless you're thinking of me, instead of trying to forget him.' The doors opened, and lively chatter sounded as Genya, Zoya and me walked in. 

'Oh. Genya and Zoya are my escorts,' Alina said. 'And Adela is here for moral support.' Genya and Zoya both wore gorgeous, flowing mint green and pale pink dresses respectively, complete with tiaras. 

'Well, I shall leave you to it,' he said warmly, and stepped away. We inclined our heads to him in respect as he left, the doors shutting behind him again. 

'Well, that one's a mess,' Zoya remarked. 'I could fix him.' We all chuckled, Genya going to Alina and touching her face. 

'You know, you really could have asked for my help, instead of whatever team Nikolai sent. I miss pulling straw from your hair after scrapping with this one.' She sat down next to Zoya with a flourish. 

'We're on the same side now!' Zoya cried out in fake exasperation. I laughed. 'I mean, as much as that might be boring, I'm actually rather pleased about it.' 

'And Ravka is next,' Alina said, taking Genya's hand. 'I think the four of us can begin to fix what's been broken.' 

'You're asking for our help,' I said matter-of-factly. 

'Of course, she is. We're fantastic,' Zoya replied. 

'Where do we start?' Genya asked. 

'I'd like you to oversee things here at the palace,' Alina said to Genya. 'I'd like it to be a refuge for anyone, Grisha or otkazat'sya, who needs a safe haven. Like the Spinning Wheel.' She looked at Zoya. 'And you, I'd like for you to be in charge of Grisha training.' She looked at me. 'And I would like for you, Adela, to lead the Second Army alongside me.' 

'Alina, I - I'm not worthy of that honour. They'll see me as just another version of my brother.'

'A better version,' Genya said, looping her arm through mine. 'Something much better.' I lowered my head in respect. 

'Thank you, Alina. I will help you lead to the best of my capabilities.' 

'I think I can whip them into shape,' Zoya said with a sly smile. 

'As long as no actual whips are involved,' Genya said. 

'I make no promises,' Zoya replied, but there was jest in her voice. 

'Oh, and I don't want Grisha to be defined by their orders. No more coloured keftas.' 

'That's a lovely idea -' Genya began to say, but Zoya spoke over her, '

'But I look amazing in blue!' 

'I think I wear black exceptionally well,' I said with a smile. 

'And as for me,' Alina said, reaching down to grasp Genya and Zoya's hands, and we all grasped each other's hands, 'I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my friends. And I think Ravka could do with some too. I have a very important blade I have to return to Shu Han and I'm hoping to make some alliances while I'm there. We've been estranged long enough.' 

'The four of us can do a lot of good together,' Genya said warmly. 

'Our little Triumvirate - and Adela Kirigan,' Zoya proclaimed. 

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