Chapter 9: The Nichevo'ya

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Several days later... 

Alina, dressed in a resplendent military suit, walked with Nikolai to the end of the hallway. He was dressed in white livery with a similar military adornment to Alina. 

'The throne is just a prize to Vasily, like some favourite toy.' The two stopped at the end of the hallway. 'You actually care about Ravka. You'd make a good king.' He smiled softly. 

'Coming from you, that means a lot.' She looked down, and the two joined hands, her left hand bearing the ring of the Lantsov emerald. She sighed. 

'You're going to be absolutely insufferable now, aren't you?'

'Well, I'm already insufferable,' Nikolai quipped. The two rounded the corner, where several people in fine livery stood about, laughing, the drinks flowing. 

'This is your mother's idea of a small gathering?' Alina asked in shock. 

'I did not expect this.' 

'Where's Mal?' Alina asked, looking around. 

'I know my company doesn't account for much, but at least pretend to enjoy yourself,' Nikolai said. 'After all, that gelatin deer gave its life for your entertainment.' The two smiled and softly chuckled. 

'It's just - it's not like him, you know?' 

'You can't fault him for being a little late. This must be a sort of torture for him. I'm sure he'll be here soon.' 

'Perhaps your loyal tracker doesn't share your enthusiasm for the festivities,' Vasily said, walking up behind Alina. 

'If you'll excuse me, moi tsarevich,' Alina replied coldly, and walked away from the two men. The queen walked up alongside the brothers. 

'I provided her with my personal seamstress and got not a word of gratitude,' the queen said in a sour tone. 'You know, milen'kiy, it's not too late to reconsider,' she added, turning her attention to Nikolai. 

'We agreed on an intimate affair. How many guests did you invite?' Nikolai snapped. 

'Vasily got a little overzealous with the invites,' the queen said warmly, and Vasily chuckled in a mildly drunken manner. I walked up a second later, wearing my signature black kefta, and my hair down in delicate ringlets. 

'Ah, Adela!' Vasily said, trying to edge close to me, but I moved away. 'Forever playing the part of the not-princess, I see.' I glared at him. 

'Apologies, moi tsarevich, I do not intend to injure your pride if I refuse your advances.' I bowed deeply to the queen, kissing her hand. 'Moya tsaritsa,' I added, then with a slight bow to Nikolai, 'and my prince.' 

'Adela, it's good to see you,' Nikolai replied softly with a gentle smile. 

'You as well. I will enjoy the festivities, and I'll meet up later.' I bowed once more to Vasily and the Queen, then floated into the crowd, easily mingling with a few of the other Grisha women. 

'Now, I don't entirely approve of your Caryeva set,' the Queen said, turning again to Vasily, 'but, I admit, that sort lend a certain air of festivity.' 

'You revealed our location to the gamblers and freeloaders you call friends?' Nikolai snapped.

'That's rich, coming from a pirate,' Vasily drunkenly retorted. 'You make yourself ridiculous.'

'The Darkling lives. We're at great risk if our location is compromised.'

'And how exactly can we trust the Darkling's sister?' the queen asked. 'She may have pure intentions, but she is just as powerful as the Darkling was, if not more. What if she revealed our location?'

'You'd sacrifice us all for your pride and stupidity,' Nikolai snapped to Vasily. 

'You overreach, you little bastard,' Vasily snarled. 'A toast!' he called out and walked onto the small stage rather awkwardly. 'I'd like to share some words about my brother, Nikolai. Yes, yes, we all know he's pretentious... condescending, a man of the people. But he has some hidden qualities too.' Suddenly, a noise like swirling clouds sounded above the glass roof, the light above being hidden by thick, inky grey shadows. Alina looked around, spotting me. I looked over at her, and nodded, mouthing one word. 


And all hell broke loose. 

The two Squallers, Nadia and her brother, attempted to make the creature solid so that Alina could destroy it with her power, but not before the nichevo'ya got a hold of Vasily, shredding him apart within seconds. I performed the Cut on the nichevo'ya, but they would materialise instantly again, and before long, I was thrown against a wall, falling to the ground like a rag doll. I groaned, attempting to get up as the nichevo'ya swirled around me, but as if summoned, it withdrew, attempting to find other prey. 

Alina and the others managed to get out safely, but as the group ran, Alina stopped in her tracks down the hall, seeing a distinctive male figure in a black kefta walk across the hall and into another room. She darted down several more halls, until she saw Aleksander Kirigan standing just a stone's throw away, half-shrouded in the darkness of the empty hallway. She launched a burst of her power at him, but he vanished suddenly. She turned, then whirled around, hearing a voice. His voice. 

'It's good to see you, Alina.' She laid eyes on him for the first time in what seemed like months. He had not changed, his face still handsome as ever, marred only by the vicious scars that adorned his face from his former run in with the volcra that day in the Shadow Fold. 

'You're not real,' she said, half unbelieving her own eyes. 

'The Sea Whip has made you stronger,' he said, ignoring her earlier statement. 'I always told you, you were meant for more. Power suits you.' 

'Stay away from me.' 

'I'm trying to protect you from the fighting.' 

'You lured me away from my friends.' He stepped towards her, and she took the defence against his slow advances. 

'To keep you safe.' 

'To kill them.' 

'Only the Lantsovs,' he said, getting close enough to her. 'But my creations are somewhat unpredictable. Not unlike you.' 

'Get out of my head.' 

'Why must you be so difficult?' He reached out to touch her, a blue light gathering around her body ever so slowly. 'I'm only doing this because I care about you.' He leaned in, slowly and carefully, and with a devilish look he spoke one more time. 'I'll be back for you.' He removed his hand, and the blue light vanished. 

'Alina!' someone called out, and she turned to see Nadia's brother. She spun in horror to look down the corridor, but nothing was there. Moments later, Nadia, Tamar and I rounded the corner. 

'Kirigan's Grisha surrounded the building,' Tamar said. 'We need to get to the tunnels, now.' 

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