being us

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Two weeks later.

Namjoon pov.

I'm coming back from, the shoot of mv.
I was quite late, I told y/n, that I will at 9, but now it 11.25.

I sighed and opened the door, by myself.

I saw light, were off.
Probably, she is sleeping.
I remove my shoes.
And way into the house.

But, what I saw is quite weird.
Y/n, sitting on the floor, resting her back against the sofa, and has a laptop on her lap.
And on the table, there is a cake, with a small table lamp.

She might sleep while doing work.

But cake,
Who's a birthday, no y/n's still having, 2 months and for me, there are 4 months.
So, there is no chance of her birthday.

I walk near to her.
I saw her, she is sleeping, putting her head on the seat of the sofa.

I go near and sit next to her.
Looking at her.
Her hair, her glasses.
And open mouth.
I chuckled at myself.

But, by that, she woke up,  look at me.
And then suddenly straight up, and sit properly.

"When you came," she asked, while wiping her mouth.

" just now, BTW whose birthday is today, " I asked.

" huh!, no one's, I got a promotion, so my colleagues brought cake, I thought, we gonna, celebrate together. But you-" she stops.

"But, I'm late " I complete her.

" yeah," she chuckled.

" come on, let's cut the cake," she said.

She clapped for herself.
And then, cut the cake.

She takes the piece and forwards it to me.

She looks at me.
And eyed to take the cake.
But I take a bite of cake from her hand.

She just looked at me.
I have taken the cake from her hand.
And forward to near her mouth.
"Congratulations," I said.

And she was taken, a bit.
" Thanks "

We looked at each other.
I feel, kiss her.
And I get forward too.
But the phone call interprets.

Who is called, at midnight?
I thought.
It's her phone.

" oh, it's Mom," she said.

She picks up the call.
And talking with her mom.

I assume that she might be telling me about her promotion.

I just looked at her, changing expression.
During the whole call.

She pick up, with a smile, but ended with small sadness on her face.

I understand, the miss of homages, is very much sadistic.

But, since, when Kiya and Jones, gonna, she often calls her mother or her brother.

Yesterday, I interpret her video call, with her family, which, lead to the good side.
I talk to her, brothers, they were, quite fun people.

And I saw her mom and dad too.
For the first time.

" what happen, " I asked her.

"Nothing, Mom is quite busy, since Tanz's friends come home." She said with a pout.

I didn't say anything, just look at her.

She put her head, on my shoulder and clenched my arm.

" Nam "
Whenever she said this, I felt something in me.

"Sometimes, I feel mom doesn't like me," she said.

"But, I know, she does, but why, I always feel like that, huh! " I sighed.

" she loves you " I assure her and put my hand over her shoulder and pull her closer to me.

"And I too," she said.

" y/n " I call her.
She hummed.

" what do you think, about " I know, she knows what, I'm talking about.

" you deserve better " she shortly replied.

"But, you're best," I said.

" namjoon, we can't be together, we are different, persons, who are different, in thoughts and opinions, and even if, I convinced myself, of this, then it might be wrong, cause, we are meant to be by contract,
We have to think about fans and media, too. It's only our decision, you're a public figure, we can't- " I cut her, by putting my finger on her lips.

"shut up.. " she sits straight and looks at me.

I hold her face, with my right hand, and get close to her.
I know, what I'm doing.

I closed my eyes.
And slowly placed my lips on her.

She didn't push me.
I got my answer.

I start moving, my lip.
I felt the grip on my T-shirt.
She is holding me.
I open my eyes.
And look her close, eyes.
I close my eyes and pull her closer than ever.

I rest my head against her.
And she laughs out.

" I love you " I confessed to her.
She wind-up her hands around me and put her head on my chest.

And start fiddling with my locket.

" I miss my home, namjoon," she said.

I wrap my hand around her.
We stay like that, for a few minutes.

And got interpreted by my 1 a.m. alarm.

"Why do you need an alarm," she asked while standing up.

" ahh, I don't know, why I put it, " I said, while yawning.

" let's go to sleep," she said.

I follow her.

But, she stops in front of her, room.

" your room is there, Mr. Kim," she said.

"But, I can join you," I said while taking steps, towards her.

She instantly opens the door of her room and gets into the room, closes the door, before I reach.

" good night " she screamed, inside the room.

I sighed.
" good night " I replied and way to my room.


I woke up.
Come out of the room, in search of y/n.

I only found a breakfast, with a letter.

" hey,
I know you, work hard yesterday, and I'm knowing you know that I believe in your efforts, and I'm excited about your album,
KIM NAMJOON!!! Fighting!!!
- y/n ♡. "

I laughed to myself.
I love her.
I sighed.
And get ready for the next schedule.

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