home date..♡

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At evening.

I complete, my whole schedule. And I'm on the way to pick up y/n.

I decided to, went somewhere out today for a good dinner, with her.

Since she got the promotion.

Come out from the elevator.
I found y/n and jeosoek, standing.
With a serious face.

I get near them.

But, heard some staff, were talking about y/n.

Staff 1: y/n, got a promotion, cause of Namjoon.
Staff 2: you think that too.
Staff 1: yeah, it's obvious.
Staff 2: yeah, suddenly got the promotion and having relation, with Namjoon. What else we're expecting?

Y/n and jeosoek, also heard this.

I went near them.

"Hello, Mr. Kim," Jeoseok said.
"Hello, Mr. Choi " I replied.
" don't be formal, sir, call me Jeoseok only," he said.
" I thought, same don't call me,
Mr. Kim " I said.
And he nodded.

" let's go, y/n " I gain attention from her.
And she nodded.

" I go and get my things," she said and went into her cabin.
And I nodded.

"  she might feel bad," Jeosoek said.
" anyone does," I said.
" you heard their convo," Jeoseok asked.
" yeah," I replied.
" your success eats up, her hard work," Jeoseok said.

I just grave that words.
He isn't wrong.
She works hard.
I know this fact,  cause I saw her, making up ppt' and projects, in late at night. Having stress before meetings.
This month, I got to know, she is a really efficient employee of our company.
And she deserves, this.
And people's thinking is a cause of me.

"Okay, let's go, bye jeoseok "Y/n come with her things.

" bye, y/n, "Jeoseok said to her.
" bye, sir " and I nodded.


We settle in the car.

"Why, did you suddenly come here to pick up me," she asked.

" for celebration," I said

" of ? " she questioned.

" of my birth," I said.

" huh?! " she reacts.

" of course, for your promotion," I said.
while getting out of the parking lot.

" no need, let's straight go home," she said.

" why," I asked.

" namjoon, we're going home, and that's finally " she sternly said.

I didn't say, anything further.
And I divert to home.

I look at her, and she looks outside the window.


We almost reach home.

" wait, stop here " y/n suddenly said.
" what," I asked her.

" stop near that CU," she said.

And I did.

" I need to buy something," she said while getting off the car.

I followed her.

We get into the shop.
She is buying groceries.
She gets some veggies, some spices, and meat.

" I'm craving for, mom's hand chicken, so I think, why don't I make that, " she said while putting meat into the basket.

" what about ice cream" I asked.
" we can have a date at home too " I add.

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