Chapter 1 - The Morning of a Rookie Actor

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It's still early in the morning, at 05.20 am as it shown in my alarm. I rubbed my eyes and lift my head, as I peek through the curtain next to me. I see the moon, shining beautifully in the still-dark sky despite it being a morning already. I look at it for quite a long time, savoring its beauty. "See you again tonight," I said, before closing the curtain and walking to the bathroom to start preparing myself.

Today, I will have a meeting with P'Aof, arguably the most talented director of GMM, to talk about me joining as one of a supporting role in his new project. I was overjoyed when I heard this from Mae Yui, the manager who is responsible to take care of me and my schedules as a rookie actor. My first ever drama project. Thanks to the noodle advertisement I did before, people started to recognize me. Mae Yui said that P'Aof is captivated by my smile in the ad, so that he decided to take me in to play in his project. 

I am not saying this to brag, but Mae Yui, my family and best friends said that I have one special quality to make people adore me. They said that my eyes are showing sparkles and it attract people's attention. I don't really understand what they meant by that, because when I see my eyes in front of the mirror, it just look normal. But I admit that I quite fond of acting. I am hooked since the first time I got a chance to act in my school's drama. And that's the very reason of why I pursue this career.

After I finish preparing myself, I open my phone and type-- "I'm having meeting with P'Aof today so I'm not going to school. Mom already tell Miss Nina about it. If the meeting finish sooner than the expected schedule, I'll text you guys and let's have a lunch together"--. I wrote that in my chat room with Tu and Bright, my BFFs.

"Got it! But the lunch is on you, naa Khun Fourth ^^" -- Tu replied

"Okay, good luck! See you later." -- Bright replied

A smile escape my mouth as I read their replies. I then put my phone in my pocket and I took my favorite backpack and put the script in it. When I came out of the room, the sunlight already seen, and my mother is already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. 

"Come and sit. Mae Yui called me and said that she will pick you up at 07.00. You got exactly 15 minutes to finish your sandwich" -- she said as she checked her phone.

"Your order is my command, Ma'am" -- I replied as I start biting the sandwich. I saw her smiling while looking at me chewing the food. 

"Good luck na luk, you deserve it." -- said my mother.

"Thank you, Mom." -- I replied after I finished my sandwitch. Then I reach my cup to drink the chocolate milk inside it and kiss my mother's cheek. "I'll wait for Mae Yui in the terrace. And oh, I'll text you later about the meeting. Love you".

She patted my head and goes to the sink to clean the plate and the cup. It's still early in the morning and she already wakes up just to prepare my breakfast. That's why I offer to wait for Mae Yui at the terrace so that my mother can go back to wakes Dad and Front, my little sister, up. As soon as I open the front door, Mae Yui is already in front of the gate with the company's car. I then walk to the gate, open the car's door and sit beside her.

"Are you ready? Your phone and script?" --- she asked me.

"Ready, Mae." -- I replied

"Then until we arrive at the company, you can read the script again so that you can have a smooth discussion later with P'Aof." -- she added.

"Okay, Mae." -- I said as I took the script out of my backpack and start reading it again.


It's 07.35 when Mae Yui and I arrive at the company's building. The fans are already gathered in front of the building. They must wanted to see my senior actors. When I see them, I can not deny to wonder, will there be people who will wait just to see me here in the future?  Can I be as succesful as my seniors?

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