Chapter 9 - The Desire

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Gemini's POV

We left the company after Mae Yui gave me permission to drove Fourth home. It was already evening at that time, so I asked Fourth if he might want to have a dinner. He just nodded weakly answering me.

He looked so tired and his eyes were still swollen. Along the way to the restaurant, he just leaned back to the seat and looked out from the window. He was looking at the sky. 

This is all my fault. I should've protect him from that b*tch because I knew how dangerous they can be. I should've just kept them away from Fourth. He is an artist, now. He might be so shocked and terrified knowing the rumors that have surrounded him. I was looking about it myself, and there are quite a lot of harsh comments directed to him.

"I'm really sorry, Fourth. If I can turned back the time, I would've protect you and kept her away from you." -- I said, looking at his direction, when we stopped at the traffict light.

"It's okay. Everything is okay now, Gem. Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm just a little bit tired and the moon is really bright and beautiful today, so I can't help but to see." -- he replied, seemingly know that I was wondering why he looked away from me.

We arrived at the restaurant at around 07.30 p.m. I chose this restaurant because they served all types of salad, Fourth's favorite. And indeed, when we were looking at the menu, Fourth seemed really excited. I told him that today's dinner is on me and he can order whatever he wants.

While waiting for the foods, we talked about many things. We were talking about our family, friends, hobbies, and about things that we like and dislike. He told me that is family consist of four people, he has two best friends, he likes looking at the moon, eating salad and reading books while he dislikes bugs and anything related to ghosts. 

My guesses were right about some things. It was because I practically stalking his social medias on the days he went shooting.

However, in the middle of it, he suddenly fell silent for about ten to fifteen seconds while looking at my eyes. I tried calling him but he didn't respond. When it looked like that he's back to normal, I asked him what's going on. He told me he was trying to write a book and that he was just remember an idea for the book he is writing. He then took a notebook and wrote something on it.

We finished having dinner at around 08.30 p.m. While we walked back to my car, I offered him for a drive just to digest the food that we ate. He agreed, and so I took him for a drive around the city center.

We were continuing talking about ourselves while I was driving. It was really fun and it looked like he is relax now. 

I'll do whatever it takes to help him recover from this problem. 

Honestly, I'm not thinking too deeply about things between me and Fourth right now. I just did everything my heart told me to. I've always curious about Fourth since we were trained together. And when I finally had the chance to be this close to him, I want to know everything about him. When he's not around, all I did was thinking about him. I'm not sure yet if all of these are just because I wanted to be his friend, or it might be something else.

It just that the most important thing for me right now is that I want him to be happy, so that I can see that attractive smile on his face.

We were still talking when Fourth suddenly told me to stop at the nearby parking lot beside the city park. He said that recognized the busker who is singing near the park right now. He told me that if he happen to see the busker, he will stay to listen to him sing. 

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