Chapter 16 - The Disappearance of the Moon

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G: My mother think that I have a girlfriend.

T: Tell her you don't have a girlfriend, but you have a handsome and smart boyfriend instead.

G: Tinn, I'm serious.

T: Me too. What made her suddenly say that?

G: She saw the shoes you gave to me. She thought that some girl give it to me.

T: (leaning in, kissing Gun's cheek) Are you ready to tell our parents about us?

G: I don't know, Tinn. I want to but I'm afraid that they will not going to accept us.

T: We never know if we don't try. Beside, I'm ready for whatever happen to us.


Gemini's POV

He hasn't contacted me since he left for Hong Kong. He didn't even tell me that he go to Hong Kong. I only know this from one of the company's staff. It's been three days since he is in Hong Kong now but there's not a single call or message from him. I send him messages and tried to call him, all for them to just being ignored on his side. 

I tried to text and call Bright and Tu, but I don't get a satisfactory answer. They basically said that Fourth is busy right now, that there are so many thing that he should do, so it is difficult for him to spare his time. When I called Front, she said the same thing. The family only made a short call asking how he is doing, and the he would hung up. I even tried to call and text Mae Yui. She picked me up once. She said that things get so hectic there and that she'll call me again later, but the call still didn't come.

And so I wait. Yes, I'll wait for him one more day. I'm sure he will call me or he'll pick up my call. 

Or at least he will reply to my messages.

And so I wait. One more day, I said. Let's wait for one more day.

Today is day 8 since he left and still not a single call nor a message from him.

He never pick up my call too. I tried calling him with the boy's phone but he still didn't pick it up.

 ----- In a coffee shop at Khao San road -----

Aun : I think you just got rejected, my friend.

Mick : 100 percent.

Gemini : No, he's just busy right now. 

Ford : Are you trying to fool yourself? If he has the same feeling as you, he will spare his time to at least send you a message.

Gemini : I told you that I haven't tell him yet about my feeling, haven't I?

Ford : So he is still your friend but suddenly, because of his job, he stop talking to you? Is that what you say?

Gemini : I told you he's busy.

Mick : But he still pick up your phone and reply to your messages when he went to Chonburi for the shoot last time, wasn't he?

Gemini : (speechless, realizing that what Mick just said was true)

Aun : I'm so sorry for you, bro.

Gemini : Ugh, my head hurts.

At that moment, I continuously thinking about what went wrong. Yes, I also agree with them, that there is something that holding Fourth back from contacting me. Again I'm thinking of so many possibilities but I can not find the answer. I was looking at the coffee shop's window at that time when I saw Bright and Tu walking across the street.

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