just a sip; glenn rhee*

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(    JUST A SIP.   )
imagine request from taymilanesas1
glenn x fem!reader.

you first developed feelings for glenn
when you were introduced back in atlanta.
though at the time you didn't think he had
any interest in relationships. after trying to
mess around with aiden during the welcome
party, glenn escorts you back to your room.
there you confess your feelings and things
get a bit heated.

story setting:
season 6

sexual actions, penetration,
smut, alcohol, etc.

──── .·:*¨༺ ────

you gazed into the bathroom mirror, but the person staring back in the reflection didn't look like you. golden gems dangled from your ears as an auburn shaded dress flowed down your priceless figure. the pattern littered with pink roses as the skirt reached down to the floor.

dazzled by your appearance, the person in the mirror is someone you haven't seen since the dead rose from their graves. you were certain that you would never see this side of yourself again. but there you were, face dusted in a light amount of makeup that complimented your stunning outfit.

you wanted nothing less than to look your absolute best. parties were a thing of the past, but now that you've arrived in alexandria you were able to attend one. making sure to leave a lasting impression, you were fixing your earring when there was a soft knock coming from the door.

"hold on a sec i'll be right there!" you answered, checking yourself one last time in the mirror to make sure everything was looking good before opening the door. to your surprise, it was glenn, the man you've had strong feelings for ever since you met back in atlanta.

you had never seen him in a suit before, so that caught you off guard. it seemed that you weren't the only one trying to look their best. his eyes trailed along your body, admiring the gorgeous sight in front of him.

"oh- uh wow." he uttered as his chocolate colored orbs locked with yours. "think it's too much?" you asked sheepishly, not expecting the guy you liked to show up unannounced and see you like this. you figured by now everyone would already be at the party.

"no, no i think it's gorgeous." his words made your heart flutter. though you didn't show it, your heart lit up with glee and a small smile crept on your lips. "aw thank you." you say, wrapping your arms around his torso. he was a bit hesitant but embraced you in a loose hug.

he has always seemed to confuse you with his words. sometimes you thought that maybe he had the same feeling you shared towards him. he made you feel special like you were the only girl in the world. but then again, you weren't sure.

you broke the hug, stepping back only a step as you stood only a foot away from him. the world seemed to be slowing down as you gazed into his beautiful eyes. you thought that maybe if there was any hope left, he would make a move.

but instead, glenn cleared his throat and broke tense eye contact. "yeah it's no big deal, we're friends after all." he said with a smile. your heart began to sink back into your chest as you stepped away from him. the word friend rang in your ear, playing on repeat like a broken record.

even after having your heart squashed into a million tiny broken little pieces, you kept up your calm exterior. "yeah, for sure. i uhm- i better get going." you say in a rush, needing to get away from him before this stringing pain in your chest got any worse.

✧ 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐒: twd imagines Where stories live. Discover now