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thank you so much guys for your funny and supportive comments you don't know how much they make my day and make me motivated to write more ( •́ω•̩̥̀ )

fun fact: n/n stands for nickname ^_^ y/n likes to add cute emojis to her friends names and messages !

warning: this chapter can be interpreted as a little suggestive :'3


5 days have passed since i was in blue lock. the day before yesterday i was out in the festival with the boys and thankfully i was allowed to rest in peace all of yesterday from my injury. it was a peaceful day, my parents were both out so i was home mostly sleeping to recover as fast as possible. now when you have 1 good day, 1 bad day always follows after. and this time it's happened almost immediately.

when i woke up today my ankle wasn't hurting as much, sure if i relied on it too much it would sting but at least i could walk normally now. i texted my friends a "Goodmorning~ ~(灬 ω 灬) I hope you slept well¬!!!!" i received a text back almost immediately from bachira which read, "Goodmorning Y/N-Chan♡ How is your ankle doing?"

n/n ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
Woke up with 0 pain! Let's meet sometime ♡

bachira ( Φ ω Φ )
Let's do it! Thx for the dolphin btw! Haven't ever left it alone since I got it~

n/n ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
So happy you like it!!!!! ( 〃▽〃)

i got two new notifications, this time from isagi and chigiri. before i could check them out i heard my mom yell, "y/n! get off your phone and help me!"

i sighed, putting the phone in my bed and going to the kitchen. "yes, mom?"

"go wash those dishes i have things to do..." she glared as she walked off. damn. she's in a bad mood...

i pouted but didn't resist, instead washed the dishes from yesterdays dinner. i saw her from the corner of my eye enter my room and i shrugged, not thinking that i had something to hide.

when i finally finished my dishes after 15 minutes i dried my hands off. immediately my mom rushes out of my room, holding a soccer ball and shoes, "why do you still have this?! i thought i told you to throw it away!"

"i'm not gonna throw them away.. they were a gift from b/n." i frowned, approaching her. "and why did you guys kick him out for such a dumb reason?! he's your son!!!"

"don't raise your voice at me! did this blue lock also teach you to disrespect your mother?!" she yelled, throwing the shoes and ball to the side."you were never such a trouble child... always quiet and soft spoken. what changed?! it was your brother and that football, wasn't it??!"

my frown deepened, "don't insult my brother and football!"

before i could continue she slapped me.

"i told you to not raise your voice at me! i'm too tired for this... your father will deal with you when he's home." she spat, taking the ball and shoes with her before leaving to her bedroom.

i teared up. i felt like i was at my limit. i threw the towel i was holding on the ground and rushed to my bedroom, locking the door after me. immediately i jumped on my bed and hugged sei, the plush nagi got me.

just as i was about to cry myself to sleep i received a notification from my phone. i sniffled, wiping my tears before turning my phone on and seeing 1 notification from rin.

i smiled softly and opened the chat.

n/n ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
Goodmorning~ ~(灬 ω 灬) I hope you slept well¬!!!!

I'm a Boy! NOT! ♡ BLUE LOCK x READERWhere stories live. Discover now