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it's hard for me to write kaiser and ness because we haven't seen much of them interacting with other characters normally. mainly kaiser being a little shit to everyone.

ness is always just obsessed with kaiser unless he's arguing with a blue locker so i'm trying to explore a more vulnurable side i think he'd have: mainly because i theorize that he mostly stays in kaiser's shadows (without minding it ofc, same explanation as i wrote in the other chapter) and isn't used to having the attention y/n put on him. which flusteres him and makes him freeze up, not knowing how to react.

don't worry he won't be vulnurable for long, this is just needed for his character development with y/n :) thank you for reading about my theories (that i could go on for hours with) and happy reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my heartbeat quickened when I heard someone call out, "b/n? why are ya taking so long?" the voice belonged to kurona.

"yeah dude! I'm so damn hungry we've been waiting for so long, c'mon!" raichi called out.

both of them don't know that I'm a girl.

"n-ness..." i whimpered quietly, trying to move out of his hold but he still didn't let go of me. at this point i was really panicking because i can hear their footsteps nearing us.

"what if he's still changing?" i heard isagi ask nervously but the other boys laughed it off, "it's fine dude. nothing we haven't seen before." nothing you haven't seen before?! little do they know i'm a literal woman!!!!

i stared at kaiser's back, who was standing in front of me. he wasn't moving for a moment, making me honestly kind of give up. the boys were nearing, and these piece of shits weren't even letting me hide and wear my wig.

if they saw me they'd definetly be loud about it and the cameras would also definetly catch that and there goes my future and life. kaiser walked away and towards the boys. my eyes widened when i saw him approach them and stand in front their view, successfully hiding both me and ness who were standing near the shadows.

"kaiser?!" isagi exclaimed in shock, "what are you doing here?!"

kaiser snickered, "what? i'm not allowed to go in the dressing room?"

raichi intervined, "oi! where's b/n?! did you do something to him?!"

kaiser sighed, crossing his arms over his chest, "you think that lowly of me? i'm offended."

now it was kurona's time to speak up, "okay, okay. let's not start anything. have you seen b/n?"

ness lowered his head to my ear and whispered, "be quiet." before wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into the bathroom quickly but quietly. he shut the door, locking it after him before letting me go. i stumbled away from him in surprise, not expecting him to help me out.

i stared at him in caution, who was pressing his ear against the door. when he noticed my staring he turned to look at me, a nervous smile on his face, "what..?"

i blinked, before looking away shyly, "nothing.. i just didn't expect you to help me.."

ness stood up straight, a slight blush decorating his cheeks as he muttered, "i.. was kinda frozen in shock. 'cause y'know... you kinda pinned me against a wall."

my face heated up, "don't ever speak of that again! it never happened okay?!" he covered his face with his hand and slowly nodded.

i looked around the bathroom, the lights were on and it was the same one i was previously using. one thing though. my wig wasn't here.

i turned to ness in panic, and he raised an eyebrow in confusion, not understanding why i'd be panicked after he already hid me from the boys.

"m-my wig... it's out there." i shakily responded. he stared at me for a moment before his eyes widened as well. "if they find it it's over; they'll immediately know it's mine..!" i continued.

I'm a Boy! NOT! ♡ BLUE LOCK x READERWhere stories live. Discover now