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(hi so I wanted to say that if this book ever gets deleted maybe along with my other books then  it's means it's because of my family so yeah I just wanted to say that because I can never know the future but sometimes the unexpected happens. !no I'm not planned to delete it even if I feel sometimes the urge because of my impostor syndrom. I just don't have a good family and sometimes things happen and I just want to say thanks so much for the support it helped me so much mentally and it helped my english so much. thank you and I hope we all can have a eternal happiness in our life)


after the little sleepover with rin, i made sure to wake up early in order to return to my dorm where  my friends slept. i'd pretend that i came back late at night while everyone was out cold, and that i wasn't sleeping at another persons dorm in reality. i'm sure that they would pester me over it and it would tarnish the reputation rin has built for himself of a coldhearted genius who doesn't like anyone other than his brother. i don't think ego would be so happy about it either, since he knows i'm a girl... if he thinks i'm doing inappropriate things with the other players, i think i'd actually kill myself. that would be so embarrassing.

when i reached the dorm, i quickly collapsed on top of my bed and fell back into a deep slumber. i hadn't bothered to take off my shoes, since i was too tired to. i'd have to worry about hygiene tomorrow... i couldn't be bothered.


"b/n? since when were you here?"

i rolled out of bed, and stood up on my two feet, which still had my shoes on, may i add. i looked down at them and grimaced in disgust, suddenly regretting my lazy decision from a few hours ago.

i looked up to see hiori sitting on top of his bed and kurona on his, both scrolling through their phones. kenyu had already left with raichi and igarashi to the bathroom, leaving isagi who had questioned me.

"oh, uhm, i came back late. was practicing, you see?" i spoke, motioning to my feet. the boy hummed in response. "alright. but you shouldn't push yourself so much. it'd be bad if you fell sick.."

i smiled. "are you worrying over me, yoichi? that's cute."

"well, i think it's reasonable. you're tough, but don't push yourself so much." he insisted, and my smile widened. 

i loved having a friend to worry and care over my health for me. it felt fuzzy and warm...

"okay! don't push yourself either, yoichi." i nodded happily, before rushing off to the bathrooms.


after eating breakfast, we all went our separate ways. some of the boys wanted to begin with ball practice, while others wanted to rest a bit while others wanted to hit the gym. i decided to take a little stroll, and see if i could find someone interesting to play against. preferably not from PxG since i wouldn't want them to get used to my patterns, and likewise. as  i walked down the minimalistic and bright hallways of blue lock, i happened to pass by a door that also happened to be open, allowing me to peek inside.

i was surprised to see all the foreign players gathered together. er, most of them at least. even one of the masters, loki, was there.

i recognized kaiser almost immediately from his blue and blond hair, which popped in contrast with everyone elses natural hair colors. he was truly flashy... and pretty. i'd never say that aloud though. i couldn't tell what they were discussing, since loki was doing most of the talking and his voice was pretty low. charles looked bored as hell, as he was almost falling asleep on top of the bench. his head was dipping from right to left, though whenever he let out a snore loki would flick his forehead, earning a loud "ow!" from the boy. loki seems to be the only one taking it seriously, in contrast with lorenzo who seemed to find enjoyment in annoying kaiser by making weird faces at him or whispering strange things to him. kaiser looked absolutely exasperated and ready to fight lorenzo then take an almost eternal nap to regain his energy and willpower. 

I'm a Boy! NOT! ♡ BLUE LOCK x READERWhere stories live. Discover now