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ness found us lying about on the floor, with kaiser on top of me.

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he was initially very shocked, till he pulled kaiser off of me and helped him stand up to his feet. the blue and blond haired boy seemed delirious, most likely from the choking not that long ago so ness had to assist him. 

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i was still confused over the recent events with him, so i mostly kept silent. ness hadn't seen anything, he walked in a little after kaiser's kiss, so he didn't know anything that happened. still, he offered to let me stay with them for the night in case i was too uncomfortable to return to my dorm and face my teammates in this state of confusion.


it was a nice gesture... and i definitely wouldn't want to explain anything to my friends, at least not right now.  i'd get overwhelmed quickly, especially giving the fact that my thoughts haven't come to terms with anything that happened yet.



i glanced over at ness, who was mostly silent. he didn't ask any questions, the only thing he spoke was his offer to let me stay with them. my eyes soon shifted to kaiser, who yawned loudly, pressing the back of his left hand on his gaping mouth. he was unusually quiet, but i guess it's no surprise after what happened.


i wondered if ness knew about this, and if it was a common habit for kaiser to do. choking himself, i mean.

when we reached their dorm, we all collapsed on top of our beds. ness allowed me the spare bed that they had, and i quietly thanked him.

he's really gentle... every second that passes with him, i gradually understand why kaiser keeps him around.

he's so warm and cute, like a puppy. but he's not weak or dumb, he's nice and assertive when he needs to be.

"you are mine."  

i closed my eyes and snuggled into the cool pillow in an attempt to bring sleep to my system.

soon, i had fallen into the land of dreams.





when i woke up, i was surprised to see that i wasn't in my room with my friends, till i remembered what had happened yesterday.

a pang of pain hit me in the head, and i quickly sat up before pressing my hand against my forehead.

"ow..." i muttered, surprised when i realized that i touched my hair rather than my wig. i looked around me, to see my wig sitting on the corner of the bed. quickly, i reached out for it and put it on.


"i took it off for you. figured you'd sleep more comfortable without it." a voice spoke, and i quickly looked up to see kaiser standing over me. he wore his robe, along with his cute round glasses. his hair was put into a little bun, and the bruises on his neck weren't there. was it makeup that he used to cover them?

I'm a Boy! NOT! ♡ BLUE LOCK x READERWhere stories live. Discover now