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thank you for all of your love it really means a lot! i think i said it before but i read every single one of your comments. and i love them all! you guys are really funny and really sweet ! !! ! ! ! i want to reply to everyone but i don't want to be a bother. so just know i appreciate you very much and your comments motivte me a lot! ! ! ! ! ! !!! *pov me going maniac when someone comments they love my book*

I think I mentioned it before but I don't read fanfics at all despite loving to write them. if there are any authors reading my book tell me so i can read and support you too!! !!!

don't worry we will return to seeing y/n being a sweetheart (outside of the field). she is only acting like this because kaiser agitates her !



i facepalmed, really hard. the man in front of me was someone i would rather die than see in a million years. blonde hair, with blue faded near the end. a (pretty) tattoo decorating his body, starting from his neck and ending on his left hand. he wore a cocky smirk on his face as he stared me down. beside him was ness, as usual. no surprise here.

ness's expression was stoic, yet he still held his usual smile. what a special duo they are, almost polar opposites yet they stuck together very often. or more like, ness stuck to kaiser a lot. kaiser doesn't seem to be bothered by it though, as i've never seen him push him away before.

"what do you want?" I responded, already tired with them. I had left the cafeteria a bit early, since I wanted to train my physical abilities. which is what I've been doing, lifting weights the same way kunigami advised me, until these two decided it's a fun idea to disturb my peace.

kaiser tilted his head to the side, smirk not leaving his face as he said, "you haven't forgotten our deal, have you? gotta listen to everything I say for a day."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah and what! want me to polish your shoes next?!"

"thank you for the offer sweetcheeks but maybe another time.

what a nasty attitude you have, and here I was thinking you'd be sweet since that's your reputation in blue lock~" kaiser laughed, making me huff and stand up, "maybe I'll be nice if you stop being an ass!"

"me saving you back then wasn't nice? anyway, I want you to spend the night with us." kaiser said, making me reach for my weights to throw them directly at him. "what- are you fucking saying?!" I cursed, but before I could do anything with the dumbbells ness stopped me by holding my arms in place. a cute but dangerous smile decorated his face as usual.

kaiser rolled his eyes, "not that way. didn't expect you to be the one to suggest we'd do that."

when ness's hold softened on my hands I pulled them back and put the dumbbells back down on the ground, "and what's the point then?!"

"amusement. seeing you fuming is entertaining, and I've been feeling extremely bored recently when we're out of matches."

ness moved back beside kaiser, and I sighed, "fine. can you leave me alone now?"

"no. let's play a few matches. I haven't enjoyed myself enough using you. the day isn't over yet love!" kaiser grinned and I face palmed, "right now... seriously?" I muttered and he shrugged, motioning for me to come closer with his index finger, "it's getting late and we won't have time, c'mon now."

I huffed in response, "fine.. but I'll get back at you... just wait kaiser..!"

he waved his hand around before turning away, "yeah yeah, whatever sweetie. bark all you want."

I exhaled deeply, deciding not to argue with him anymore. I'm honestly tired of it...


after me, kaiser and ness left together to practice he immediately put himself against me. he seemed to enjoy seeing me suffer, but little did he know that I was studying him as well as I could. I'll let him win now, but I'll get back at him very soon...!

every goal he scored he'd mock me, sometimes I'd score as well though. I'm not that helpless. ness would jump from team to team, but he seemed unsatisfied no matter with who he played with. it doesn't seem like he favours the fact that kaiser is interested in me, but he's relieved at the fact that it's not mutual. (while also trying to ignore that I basically said that I was interested in him).

at the end of our practice session, I was panting, having exhausted myself so that I could beat him. unsuccessful now, but that won't be the case later. I'm determined to steal ness right from him and feed him the dirt from my shoes.

I glared at kaiser who grinned. I couldn't stand his cocky smirk, so I turned my attention to ness who was sitting on the ground and drinking from a water bottle.

suddenly arms were wrapped around my body and I was pulled against a muscular body. kaiser, of course.

I glanced up at him, too tired to yell at him so instead I tiredly forced out, "don't hug me dude... we're both sweaty.."

he smiled, one unlike his usual cocky and aggravating smiles. I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, but I felt myself slowly relax in his hold, contrasting with how tense my body was just a moment ago.

"won't you join bastard münchen?" he said, the first time I ever heard him say something in a serious, not the kind meant to intimidate you.

♥︎ change of pov♥︎

"we could have great use of your abilities." you remind me of myself.

words were left untold, kaiser couldn't bring himself to force those words out of his mouth. vulnerability is something he greatly despised. he couldn't allow himself to be vulnerable, not like how he did in his childhood. vulnerability meant weakness, and weakness meant that people could take advantage of you.

you stared back at kaiser, before sighing and looking down at your shoes. those that were given to you by blue lock. before in your life, you were never allowed to wear football shoes. specially as expensive as this. the only ones you'd wear were your brothers old ones, but they meant a lot for you.

kaiser squeezing you a little, before lowering his head to match your height broke you out of your random trance of thought, which is when you realized what you were doing properly. what brought this up? why would you be thinking of those things right now? when you were away from that environment... when you were privileged enough to be allowed things you could only dream of in the past.


you looked up at him again, the same smile wasn't on his face anymore, now a stronger expression replaced it. "so? I don't want your potential to get wasted here."

you softly smiled before pushing him off of you, "you know I can't do that. I've found my home here, with my friends."

kaiser's stare on your back made you feel a little uncomfortable, but you only shook your head. this is so strange... you never imagined you'd be talking with him in a non aggressive matter. you pushed the plastic hair out of your face, before turning to look at him again, "look what you've done. now I have to shower again!"


omg I swear I am so scared of ending up in tiktok. when I see those videos who are like "blue lock fan fictions" I'm so scared of judgement from them ( ;∀;) tiktok is scary ! !

a little short chapter today, but I didn't want to starve my readers so I decided to upload it. finally getting somewhere with kaiser!

the tiny kaiser-ness arc will come to an end soon, so please VOTE who you want to see next. can be a duo, or a trio, or more or a single character.

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