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thank you all for being nice to me!! !!!!!

I love you all and I'm so so sorry for terrorizing you with kaiser but your reactions are so funny im sorry once again (ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु

(I may or may not repeat it again maybe with another character (//ω//) )

my reaction to everyone simping for y/n:
∑(; °Д°)🤳

thank you for 59k reads and 2.9k votes!!!!!!


kaiser stood smugly in front of me as I died inside, refusing to look at his stupid face.

I knew kaiser was a good player... but I didn't realize the gap was this big. I was kind of disappointed, specially with my abilities but I couldn't let that bring me down. there's gonna be players that are better than me, and all I have to do is surpass them.

my first challenge, kaiser.

I didn't beat him this time but I'll beat him next time!!

I stood up, looking at the grass in devestation, feeling the boys eyes on me.

"the fact that you thought you could win against me makes me laugh," kaiser said with a chuckle.

I huffed, "it was just once! I'll beat you next time!"

he shrugged, "sure, if you want to be my dog for eternity that is."

I turned my head towards him and crossed my hands over my chest, "so? what do you want?"

"ah nothing bad, I'm not a cruel man you know." he said, but his mischievous smirk said otherwise. "first, be my support for the entire day."

I frowned, staring at him, "why's everyone want me to be their midfielder? and fine!"

he put his hand ontop of my head, ruffling my wig, "that's a good girl. see? not that hard to be an obedient puppy."

I swatted his hand off of my wig as I readjusted it. this dude really knew how to test my limits.

lucky for kaiser and unlucky for me, we were also paired up in the same team for the practice match. ness was on the opposite team, and he was weirdly silent as well. when my loss was announced he only stared at our interaction as kaiser demanded I play as his midfielder. a part of me felt guilty for taking his spot, since he's always been with kaiser.

when the practice match started I chose to ignore kaiser. when I had the ball instead of passing it to kaiser who was basically demanding it with the gaze he held on me, I passed it to kenyu who then later on scored.

I smirked, happy at the small victory but my happiness would end soon.

a hand wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me harshly into a muscular body.

I glanced at the hand, noticing the tattoo. and only one person had a tattoo here.

"oi, you breaking your promise?" kaiser asked, staring down at me as I lifted my head up to meet his eyes.

I glared at him in response and he rolled his eyes.

he leaned down and pressed his mouth close to my ear before whispering, "you wouldn't want me to reveal your little secret, would you?"

I tensed up at his words, feeling his hot breath against my neck.

he grinned, squeezing my shoulder in a threatening manner before continuing, "would be a shame, huh? after you've come so far."

"kaiser.." I stuttered in horror. my heart was conflicted. I was flustered from our proximity, but his words made a chill run down my spine and I just generally can't stand being close to him.

I pushed myself from him and turned to him, putting a hand on my cheek.

I saw him smirking at me which only fueled my rage further. "it was only once dude!"

"OI! WHAT'RE YOU DOING WITH B/N?!" I heard a voice yell. me and kaiser turned our head to see raichi approaching (who was also the one yelling), isagi and kurona walking behind him.

"if you can't keep your hands off him we'll switch him to our team!" raichi continued, walking up to kaiser. it was when I noticed ness approaching as well, a heavy frown decorating his usual cheerful face.

kaiser shrugged his shoulders, not intimidated at all. "you can try if you want, but I won't let you have her. since she lost to me, she's mine for today."

raichi deadpanned, pulling at kaiser's shirt and bumping foreheads with him, "the hell did you just say?!!?" kaiser smirked in response, clutching raichi's hand and opening his mouth to reply but then ness and kurona intervened, each pulling their friend away from the other.

isagi sighed loudly, "can we have a day on this field where we aren't arguing?"

I walked up to him, holding his arm, "I don't think I can take this anymore..." I whispered as he awkwardly pat my head.

"i-it'll be okay...." he said, but it sounded more like he was comforting himself. i snorted at that 

with this i am officially putting the book on hiatus! ( •́ω•̩̥̀ ) i might get back to updating this after june 14th. (i will try)

i'm sorry to announce that i got writers block for this book and the manga still not being completed is a problem as well. i don't want to force myself to write more, because if i do the story will become very dry. this of course does not mean that i'm discontinuing this book!

today i'm gonna publish two new books. first being a blue lock x (poc) reader and second (potentially) being nagi x reader x reo.

I'm a Boy! NOT! ♡ BLUE LOCK x READERWhere stories live. Discover now