The start

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This is my first story, so I'm sorry if it's bad. Also, none of these characters belong to me they belong to the creators of South park.


I woke up to my usual alarm clock. It was just like any other day. Any other day, just like today, I would wake up, get dressed, go to school, and come right back.

Then I would do some homework. It was my routine. I heard some arguing downstairs, my parents.

We used to be a big happy family.  Then everything just fell apart. My dad cheated on my mom with fellas, and that drove her to insanity.

I didn't realize it when I was eight, but now, five years later, I know what happened.

Ever since the cheating my family has been torn down. I have been grounded most of my life. It's not like I didn't get grounded before, I did.

But now, it's over the slightest inconvenience. That's why I stick to the rules. If I don't my parents will get mad.

Sometimes I want a different life, but I think about kids who have it worse than me. Like my friend Kenny.

He doesn't have that much money, he's pretty poor. Which makes me question why his parents decided to have three kids.

His dad is an alcoholic and spends all their money on beer. His mom does the bare minimum.

I wish Kenny had it better. He's my friend, he deserves it!

I walked downstairs and found mom painting our walls. Again. She had found in intrest in that ever since my dad cheated.

My dad sat on the couch watching the news. "Hey butters, how are ya?" He asked once he saw me.

"I'm good," I said smiling and popping some bread in the toaster. "Paint," mom muttered as she painted a wall.

I looked over at her with concern. But quickly turned my attention to the toast. "Make sure it doesn't burn," dad said.

I had gotten grounded once for burning toast. Yep. Burning toast.

I spread some butter onto the toast and ate it, making sure to not leave any crumbs.

I went to the front door and slipped on my shoes. "Goodbye!" I said before exiting. 

I would always walk to school. My parents didn't exactly have time for me. But, walking in the cold wasn't so bad, Kenny walked with me.

We would usually meet up five meters away from my house. I had counted.

So I was confused when I didn't see him anywhere. I stopped walking and looked left to right. Nowhere.

Maybe he couldn't walk with me today. I thought. Just then, I felt arms hug my waist.

"Boo~" Someone behind me said. I turned my head and saw Kenny's head resting on my shoulder.

"Well hiya Kenny! I didn't see you!" He laughed and looked at me. "That was kind of the whole point,"

He said as his grip on my waist loosened. "Let's go, buttercup."

He completely let go of my waist and grabbed my hand, interwining our fingers together.

We walked in comfortable silence until we reached the school. All of Kenny's friends were waiting for him at the front of the school.

Yet, Kenny never let go of my hand. "Again, dude?" Kyle asked putting his hands on his hips.

Kenny used to ride the bus with the rest of his friends, but he stopped when I told him I walked to school.

Ever since he's been walking with me. Eric looked down at our hands.

"Ooh! Now I know why Kenny hasn't been going to school with us!" He said dramaticly.

Kyle and Stan gave him a questioning look and he continued. "Hes been making out with butters!" Eric laughed.

I looked down at the ground, uncomfortable.  Kenny must've saw this because he said, "shut up cartman, we're holding hands so what!"

I smiled sheepishly at him and he smiled back. "Oh I better get going," I said letting go of his hand. He nodded and zipped up his hood.

I waved him goodbye and ran off to my class


At lunch I met up with Kenny again. We had been sitting out back, under a tree.

I would usually bring a towel, or blanket so our bottoms wouldn't freeze. I would also bring some lunch for Kenny.

Sometimes he would eat it and stuff the rest in his pockets, and sometimes we shared.

"Hey butters, can you say yes?" He asked as he took a bite of a peanut butter sandwich. "Why?" I asked as I leaned into the tree behind us.

"There's a party," he said. My eyes widened. "Kenny I can't go to parties! My parents will ground me!"

He sighed and took another bite before speaking. "I know, but I really want you to go!" He said whiningly.

I thought about it. What excuse would I have? Maybe I had to stay with some other kids to tutor.

That could work. But it was too risky. As I was about to say something, the bell rang.

"I'll walk with you to the party!" Kenny said as he stuffed some sweets in his pockets, zipped up his hood, and ran off.

Oh boy, what was I going to do?

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