The jealousy

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My day progressed and after what happened during lunch, I couldn't be happier. Kenny loves me. He really loves me!

I couldn't wait to get home. I could spend all day with kenny, and Karen. We were like a little family.

I sat in class daydreaming about me, Karen, and Kenny. Mostly Kenny. I hadn't really been paying attention in class and that was bad.

If I didn't pay attention I wouldn't get good grades, and if I didn't get good grades I wouldn't get into college.

And if I didn't get into college I wouldn't have a future.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see red. She gave me a warm smile. "Butters, the lesson ended!" She explained to me.

I looked around the empty classroom. Even the teacher left. "Oh! Well, uh, thanks for informing me red!"

I said as I smiled at her. She gave me another smile and stood by my desk as I gathered up a few books.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something," She said as. I stood up. "Well what is it?"

"Could we talk somewhere more private?" I nodded and we walked out of the classroom and into a gender neutral bathroom which hadn't been used in years.

"What did ya wanna say?" I asked as I tapped my foot impatiently. I didn't wanna be here. I wanted to be home, with kenny.

"Butters? Did you hear what I said?" She asked. I turned to her and widened my eyes. I didn't even notice she said something.

"N-no. Sorry red, I was just thinking about something," I said nervously. She gave me yet another smile.

"That's okay! All I said was stay away from Kenny," She said, turning very serious once she said that last part.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Stay away from Kenny? He was my boyfriend.

"W-what?" I asked in utter disbelief. "You heard me. Stay away from him," She repeated.

I let out a short chuckle. "Red, I don't know If you know this, but kenny is my boyfriend,"

I told her, my tone being as if I was talking to a kindergartener. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest.

"Listen. I don't know if you know, but Kenny's a slut. He goes around playing everybody. You are just temporary."

My small smile faded. I looked at her with fury. Smoke was practically coming out of my ears.

"After he breaks up with you, he'll move onto something better. Like me," She continued as she showed off her flat body.

"Okay. Maybe you should ask kenny yourself. If he was looking for a body he would stick with me, becuase at least I have an ass,"

I told her. Her face heated up with anger and I left. Maybe my comeback wasn't that good....

Whatever. It still made her mad.

I walked towards the double doors with a smile on my face. Kenny was waiting for me.

"Hey buttercup," he said as he took my hand. "Hi ken!" I exclaimed happily. We started walking and he smirked down at me.

"What're you so smiley about?" He asked. "What do you mean? Aren't I always smiley?"

"Well, yeah. But you seem to be extra today," he shrugged. I hummed in response and kept on smiling.

We shortly arrived at my house. Kenny kicked his shoes off and I put them on the shoe rack. "Oops. Sorry, I forgot about that,"

He apologized. "It's fine," I told him as I took my own shoes off. "Let's got watch a movie," I said taking his hand and leading him up the stairs.

Once the door was shut kenny pinned me up against a wall and massaged my hips. "Or, we could do something else," he said in a suggestive tone.

I giggled as I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Like what?" I asked with a smirk.

"Like this," he said before slamming his lips into mine. I smiled into the kiss as he held me tighter.

He broke off the kiss and rested his forehead on mine. I gently massaged his neck as he started to trail small kisses on my neck.

I smiled widely at the sensation. But I had to stop it. "Hey kenny, I need to talk to you about something," I said pulling his head up to meet mine.

"What's wrong? You sound serious," he said cupping my cheek and placing a tender kiss on my lips.

I took his hand and sat him on the bed. "It's about red."

His eyes widened and he pulled me into the bed with him. "What about her?" He asked gulping.

"Could you avoid her?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He sighed loudly. "Baby I'm going to need to know why to avoid her," he said as he grabbed both my hands.

"Could you just do it? Please? I promise it will all make sense!" I told him.

He looked around and sighed again. His thumb running up and down my hands. "Kenny...please? Do it for me?~" I whispered in his ear.

His face turned bright red and he gulped. "Okay," he quickly said.

I giggled and kissed him lightly on the lips. I was about to pull away when his hand grabbed the back of my neck and collided our lips together once more.

I slowly climbed into his lap and wrapped my hands around his neck. He used his thumb to open my mouth slightly.

He then shoved his tongue inside and swirled it around. I let out a quiet moan as his hands roamed my body.

We both broke apart and gasped for air. After a small break we crashed our lips together again.

His mouth moved down to my neck and sucked on it. "Kenny?" I asked as I breathed heavily.

"Hmm?" "Go rougher please?" His face burned up but he quickly continued sucking on my neck.

He bit down on a spot which made me let out a loud but small moan. His face went back up to mine. "Do that agian."

Before we go onto the next chapter I want to say there will be no smut. Please keep in mind they are 13-14. But they are still in a relationship so things like this for them are okay to do. (According to them).

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