Get ready for this one ;)
Kenny stared at me deeply. "He's a dumbass then," he said. "Nah, I wouldn't say that,"
He rolled his eyes and I let out a short laugh. "Say, Ken, do ya like anyone?" I asked rubbing my fists together.
"Maybe," he simply said. "Well who is it?" I asked. He thought and then said, "I'll tell you of you tell me who's the one you love,"
He said wiggling his eyebrows. I pouted and he chuckled. "C'mon, there's still a party to enjoy," he said as he took me off his lap.
I just nodded as I took his hand. He smirked and intertwined out fingers once more before opening the door.
Everyone was sat in the living room with a board and markers. "Finally!" Kyle exclaimed. Stan's arm was around Kyle's shoulder, and they were pretty cozied up.
"We're playing never have I ever," bebe said as she handed us boards and markers.
Kenny took a seat next to red and I sat next to him, our fingers still intertwined.
"Alright! So, if you have done something, you put one tally mark down, whoever has the most tallies, loses. That means they have to do a dare. If two people are tied they have the option to do the dare together, or go more rounds until one wins, undrstand?"
Wendy explained. Everyone nodded.
"I'll go first!" Red said happily. "Never have I ever made out with my best friend?"Kyle, Stan, Wendy, bebe, Clyde, and Tolkien all put one mark down.
"Token and Clyde? Woah never expected that," Stan laughed.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Craig and tweek put a mark down.
I smiled to myself, They were pretty cute.
"Never have I ever stole something?" Bebe said. I saw a few people including Kenny put a mark down.
I would get grounded if I ever stole something, that's for sure.
A few more rounds went by and I had very few marks. Kenny, however, had so many you could build a house with them.
"Alright, next question is directed to all the boys," Heidi said, enthusiastically.
"Never have I ever kissed a boy." Bebe finished. Eric made a puking sound.
Craig, tweek, Kyle, Stan, Clyde, and Tolkien put marks down. I looked nervously at Kenny and he bit his bottom lip slightly.
"Kenny, Butters, you guys never kissed dude's?" Red asked. I thought for a moment.
There was one time I thought I was bi-curious, and I met a boy named bradley. Though, we had never kissed.
"Um, well no," I said nervously. A smile was plasterer onto Red's face. "Neither have I," Kenny said.
Red's smile only grew. "Alright, let's see the scores!" Wendy exclaimed. We all looked at her as she collected our boards.
After a few minutes she turned back to us. "Kenny McCormick, you lose," She saidP smugly.
Kenny shrugged. I looked down and realized our fingers were still tangled together.
"Butters Stotch, you win!" Wendy continued. "Now, we will decide your punishment, McCormick."
All the girls huddled while the boys went into the kitchen. "I can't believe I'm surrounded by fags," Eric complained.
Kyle rolled his eyes and craig flipped him off.
A few minutes later all the girls came into the kitchen. "Your punishment, is seven minutes in heaven," bebe said.
Kenny looked puzzled. "With whom?" He asked. "Anyone of your choice," Heidi said with a smile.
Kenny looked around. I was 99.9 percent sure it was going to be red. But it wasn't.
"Butters," Kenny said as he grabbed my hand. Red smiled and led us to a medium sized closet, which was way bigger on the inside.
"Enjoy your seven minutes," She said before winking. Weird.
"So, how do people do this?" I asked unsure of what this game was. Kenny took a seat on a bean bag that was in there and I sat on the floor.
"Well, your locked in a closet for seven minutes, with another person," he said as he dug his hands into his pockets.
"What do people usually do?" I asked. He blushed and puffed up his cheeks. "Some people hook up..."
My eyes widened. "But don't worry! We're not doing that!" He quickly said.
I sighed in relief. After a moment of silence I decided to ask something.
"Hey ken?" I said. "Hmm?" "Why did you pick me?" I asked tilting my head slightly.
"I feel comfortable when I'm around you," he simply said. Then he scooted over and patted a spot on the bean bag next to him.
I sat down and nearly fell off. He caught me and placed me onto his lap.
I cuddled into him and yawned. "You tired?" He asked. I nodded and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.
I woke up to a very comfortable blanket over me. I was laying on something, someone. I looked up and saw kenny.
"Morning Leo," he said as he played with my hair. "What time is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eye.
"I don't know."
"How long have we been in here?" I asked, seeing it had to have been seven minutes already.
"Almost an hour, the door is stuck and won't open," He explained.
I nodded. He smiled at me with a weird expression on his face. He was smiling and his eyes were droopy.
I rested my hands on my stomach as he continued to play with my hair.
I blushed as he cupped my cheek. "Oh Gee, Ken. Why are you staring at me like that?"
I asked nervously. He just laughed in response.
"I just love you so much, Leo,"

Never have I ever (bunny)
Fanfiction"never have I ever kissed a boy," That's how this whole mess started. Butters Stotch had to follow the rules. He would get grounded if he didn't. sometimes his parents weren't reasonable. like the time in fourth grade that he got in trouble becuase...