Chapter 1

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(Raven) "I'm raven but my human name is Rachel daughter of Trigon demon lord existing in the alternate dimension Hell and husband of my human Arella Roth, I lived my life for many years as a human but I can still walk the lands of hell with my father"

(Trigon) raven my girl

(Raven) yes father

(Trigon) you have human school to attend

(Raven) it's college dad theirs no point in attending this human thing

(Trigon) you've done twelve years of school for a reason my girl you should atleast continue your education

(Raven) fine father *walking upstairs*

(Trigon) my stubborn girl

(Sebastian) she takes after you dad

(Trigon) shouldn't you be ruling a kingdom soon

(Sebastian) I will be but you haven't given up your throne

(Trigon) my throne waits for my eldest child but the rules need a strong ruler my brothers children have other plans my boy

(Sebastian) jest because luscifer wants to take over

(Raven) *walking down* I'm ready send me back up

(Trigon) will you be joining your sister Sebastian?

(Sebastian) a demon like me up in that world won't be happening

(Trigon) *opening portal to earth* here my daughter I will see you soon

(Raven) *walking through portal* a different life every time

(Kori) Raven *running to raven* you made it

(Raven) the tower hasn't changed much

(Kori) it's only been a year since everyone left but we're all coming back again

(Raven) is it only for college?

(Kori) college and saving the city

(Raven) coming from a powerless girl in a tower full of others with powers

(Kori) you'll unlock those powers someday besides your daughter of hell himself the all mighty trigon

(Raven) let's get in the tower to see everyone once again

(Cy) you guys common *flying down to landing spot*

(Garfield) my best friend man

(Cy) Garfield

(Garfield) *changing to hawk flying to cy* hey man

(Cy) *hugging garfield* good to see you man

(Star) Robin the computer calls are coming in

(Kori) I'm coming star *running into tower*

(Cy) *walking into tower*

(Garfield) common mama join us

(Raven) nothing like being back with the old group

(Hades) *lighting blue flames on rose*

(Raven) what the? *walking to garden* who's there?

(Hades) *turning around* I'm no threat

(Raven) Hades of the underworld

(Hades) Raven or should I say Rachel Roth

(Raven) you can call me Raven

(Hades) so what are you doing in my garden?

(Raven) I stay in the tower here but shouldn't you check with them before starting up a garden here?

(Hades) it's an underworld garden hidden to the eyes of everyone but some how you can see my garden

(Raven) it is?

(Hades) *walking up to raven* your daughter of hell your magic is strong of course you could see

(Raven) I'm half human I'm more human than magic like my brother or father they are stronger than me

(Hades) well maybe I am key to those powers *placing rose in raven's hand* I'll see you around

(Raven) where..

(Hades) *disappearing underground*

(Cy) Raven are you coming?

(Raven) *holding rose* I'm coming

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