Chapter 9

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(Hades) stay close everyone I will take us through a portal will be in Azarath soon don't lose each other

(Garfield) understood

(Melinda) kori where are you going? *running outside*

(Kori) we need to get Raven home

(Melinda) belial took her?

(Kori) we believe so but stay here

(Star) karras join us

(Karras) right behind you my wife

(Hades) I have some friends I called for as well once were in

(Kori) then let's go get Raven

(Hades) *opening portal to azarath* follow behind me

(Kori) *walking into azarath* this is raven's home?

(Garfield) holy mama it's hot

(Hades) what'd you expect? It's near hell

(Persephone) you called for us Hades *walking through dark portal*

(Makarov) Trigon rules over hundreds of worlds from his home Azarath, but has always looked for more to conquer and over the years the demon lord has spawned a number of children to use as weapons in his endless thirst for domination

(Kori) raven's brothers

(Sylens) belial, suge, ruskoff and sebastian they are her elder brothers each wanting power but work for her father

(Hades) we need to get in there and get Raven out

(Trigon) *marching through tower* my little Raven

(Kori) stay down

(Alyo) stay quiet everyone

(Sebastian) she's home father

(Trigon) my sweet girl *rubbing hand on raven's cheek* what has happened to you?

(Sebastian) who hurt my sister?

(Suge) it appears father Raven does not attend college on this earth she works as a hero fighting using herself for good

(Trigon) that doesn't sound like my Raven

(Kori) teleport us in

(Hades) I will everyone hold on *teleporting down cell hallway* stay quiet

(Belial) she has your power father, she is strong she takes after you

(Sebastian) I feel no power coming from my sister she's jest a human what power could she hold?

(Belial) we all saw it she had father's eyes his red demon eyes Raven gave off a power none of us have seem

(Trigon) that only means she's been to the underworld

(Hades) he knows

(Ruskoff) Raven mentioned her powers working near the underworld

(Trigon) Raven has met Cronus son Hades raven's true love they are the key to taking over the world uniting kingdoms

(Belial) father what are you planning?

(Trigon) a take over of power

(Hades) what is he planning?

(Makarov) it's the reason your father kept you away from Raven for all these years

(Trigon) world domination you children are destined to be with God's the same way your dear sister is destined to be with Hades it seems they've already met *moving part of raven's cloak* this underworld cloak she has already paid a visit to the underworld

(Sebastian) why is Raven hiding all of this?

(Trigon) simply to protect an old enemy of mine

(Raven) *waking up* father

(Trigon) my little Raven we have so much to discuss

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