Chapter 5

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(Kori) hey rave you in there?

(Raven) *unlocking door* I'm here

(Kori) what happened out there with your brother's? With you?

(Raven) they always come but it's never a good sign when they do

(Kori) how did you really go to the underworld? You've never had magic until today

(Raven) if I tell you my brothers will force the story out of you, their always watching me

(Kori) I won't say anything

(Raven) I met someone

(Kori) who is that someone?

(Raven) God of the underworld Hades

(Kori) Hades? The rose and cloak are from him aren't they?

(Raven) they are, the rose was from the first day I saw him and the cloak was when I went to the underworld

(Kori) then why hide that from your brother's?

(Raven) my father's greatest enemies son and I hanging out do you know how bad that will sound to him? He'd burn down the underworld with any chance he could get

(Kori) then hide it from them and will hide it too

(Raven) my father will find out one way or another kori

*monitor beeping*

(Kori) well suit up we have a mission in the city

(Raven) *running to bedroom*

(Garfield) mission time *flying downstairs* common Cy

(Cy) I'm coming I needed to fuel up

(Raven) *pulling cloak on* star get down to the vehicle

(Star) I'm coming *flying down* what are we dealing with?

(Kori) a rock giant we could get that dealt with in no time

(Garfield) mama where you at?

(Raven) *getting in car* I needed my cloak

(Cy) let's get going *driving to city*

(Kori) are things fine with your brother's?

(Raven) hell if I know all I know is my father may come to earth for me

*pulling up to city*

(Rockmonster) *throwing rocks at building*

(Kori) Cy get a scan of that building we need to get everyone out of there

(Cy) on it *running to building*

(Star) I'll help get the people out that are stuck up top

(Kori) beastie going to need something strong to beat that monster

(Garfield) one gorilla coming right up *changing into gorilla*

(Raven) the streets need clearing common people get to safety *running down road*

(Kori) raven get somewhere safe

(Raven) I'm helping

(Garfield) take some oil on you *throwing car to monster*

(Rockmonster) *throwing car towards children*

(Raven) look out *blocking children*

(Star) *blowing up car* Raven get them to the subway

(Raven) I've got it

(Rockmonster) *kicking Raven towards building*

(Kori) Raven!

(Raven) *smashing through window*

(Garfield) mama's!

(Kori) *running to building* Raven! *running upstairs* Raven I'm coming

(Cy) beast boy let's finish this monster

(Garfield) let's get it done bro

(Star) *firing lasers at monster* it's over

(Kori) *kicking door open* Raven!

(Raven) kori

(Kori) *picking up raven* I've got you will get you to a hospital

(Raven) finish the mission

(Kori) I'm not leaving you behind

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