Chapter 12

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(Arella) what are you doing to our family trigon?

(Trigon) I'm a demon who wants world domination

(Arella) that isn't the man I married all those years ago look at our daughter risking everything to save the people she loves

(Kori) Cy we need to get to her

(Cy) theirs too many rocks the avalanche will get us too Robin

(Garfield) use a portal

(Sebastian) our portals work for far distances not near distances

(Belial) we can't stand here forever

(Arella) our daughter could die and your caring more about this world domination after everything the love I had for you

(Trigon) it's part of being a demon we must do what's right for us

(Arella) if I was still living would you do this? Or would you change and let our daughter find her own love

(Hades) raven please walk towards us

(Raven) I can't move Hades I'm weak

(Hades) then let us come to you

(Raven) no I can't risk losing all of you

(Alyo) we are here to help raven we can help you

(Arella) look at her and see how much she is fighting for this save your daughter! Save her trigon!

(Trigon) I can't save her Hades must save her

(Hades) screw this! *running under rocks* Raven I'm coming

(Raven) I can't hold on *legs shaking*

(Cronus) Hades get out of there

(Hades) I can't Raven please hold on

(Raven) *slowly fainting with avalanche falling over*

(Hades) Raven! *covering head*

(Sebastian) No!

(Belial) *holding Sebastian back* get back

(Alyo) Hades!

(Poseidon) brother!

(Rhea) my boy

(Makarov) guys we need to help

(Arella) my little girl

(Ruskoff) don't just stand there start moving rocks

(Kori) raven *jumping over rocks* raven

(Arella) look at what you've done trigon

(Trigon) she couldn't fulfill her destiny

(Arella) you disappoint me trigon you let our daughter die because of your plan

(Hades) no no no

(Melinda) what is it?

(Makarov) Hades will find her

(Hades) we can't she's dead

(Sebastian) impossible

(Belial) *throwing rocks* our sister can't be

(Raven) *white glowing soul floating up*

(Hades) raven *running to raven* Raven!

(Sebastian) it's really our sister

(Kori) her soul *running with Sebastian* raven

(Hades) *throwing rocks* common raven please don't leave please don't leave us

(Raven) *placing hand on Hades cheek* I must go

(Hades) no please raven *tears dripping down cheeks* raven please

(Kori) *pulling raven's body up* she's gone

(Hades) no she can't be *laying raven down giving cpr* raven please get up get up raven please

(Cy) get back *charging up* open her cloak

(Hades) *undoing raven's cloak* raven please

(Cy) ready and *shocking Raven* common raven

(Hades) *continuing cpr* wake up wake up

(Raven) it's too late Hades I must go with my mother

(Arella) *holding hand out* will go together my daughter

(Hades) NO!

(Kori) she's dead she's gone

(Garfield) *yelling at trigon* this is all your fault!

(Cronus) she can't be saved my son

(Hades) true loves kiss

(Raven) *walking to arella* I'm coming mother

(Arella) I'm right here my baby

(Hades) *leaving down kissing raven*

(Arella) I'll see you again child

(Raven) mom *soul flying back to body*

(Hades) raven please wake up

(Raven) *body slowly rising in air*

(Sebastian) it worked the kiss worked

(Trigon) my daughter

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