Chapter 2

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(Raven) *sitting in bed looking at rose*

(Kori) are you joining us for breakfast raven?

(Raven) I will

(Kori) is everything alright?

(Raven) everything is fine *setting rose on bedside*

(Kori) where did the rose come from?

(Raven) I brought it with me

(Kori) nice well Cy made pancakes and vegan ones for Garfield, we have a busy day

(Raven) how busy?

(Kori) cleaning the tower and preparing for college

(Raven) were still going? I thought that was jest an excuse

(Kori) we need to live our lives out even if we're here on earth we have to play the roles of earthlings as we really aren't

(Cy) pancakes are ready!

(Kori) let's go enjoy some breakfast *walking into kitchen* smells great

(Garfield) the best kind is vegan kind

(Raven) thank you for the food Cy

(Cy) no problem rave

(Star) tarra should be here

(Raven) what would my cousin need to be doing here?

(Garfield) she's my girl mama

(Star) he's right beast boy and tarra are dating

(Kori) what about us star?

(Star) you are simply my friend Robin

(Kori) I have no chance with you

(Cy) don't stress yourself man

(Kori) I won't

(Raven) when does class start?

(Jinx) around four

(Raven) jinx? What brings you to the tower?

(Jinx) to see a robot *looking at cy*

(Cy) I'm right here my spark

(Raven) theirs so much love in this tower *setting plate in sink* I'm going to my room

(Garfield) common stay mama

(Raven) I'll pass *walking upstairs*


(Hades) *opening vision* daughter of Trigon

(Poseidon) what are you looking at brother?

(Hades) *closing vision* nothing of your business sister

(Poseidon) shouldn't you be leaving for college?

(Hades) college is for earthlings not people of the underworld

(Poseidon) I thought you'd like to see Trigons daughter there what was her name? Raven right? Daughter of fathers enemy

(Hades) father has his enemies but I have no issue with them

(Poseidon) take that up with father of course you also have brother Zeus and his son Hercules our nephew

(Hades) I stole his power and made him human

(Poseidon) you still disappointed father after all Hercule fell in love with that human Meg and unlocked those powers of a God

(Hades) I failed one time it isn't such a big deal

(Poseidon) well will see what he says of this crush you have on his greatest enemies daughter

(Hades) I have no crush

(Poseidon) you went on the earth ground and offered the woman a rose I know you well brother you never give away the flame rose unless you've unlocked a flame in your heart

(Hades) it's nothing Poseidon

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