Chapter 15

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1 year later

(Hades) *coming above ground* there's my wife

(Raven) working hard with the team for our little demon

(Arella) mama look uncle's home

(Raven) go get them

(Arella) *running to Kori and garfield* uncle's

(Kori) hey ella

(Arella) uncle can we go on the ship today?

(Kori) maybe another time

(Garfield) would little ella like to ride a lion?

(Arella) yes yes

(Garfield) *transforming into lion* hop on baby

(Cy) *placing Arella on Garfields back*

(Hades) she sure does love it here

(Raven) it's home here, in azarath and in the underworld they are home to our little girl

(Hades) honeymoon time was when she was...

(Raven) made? Consieved? Where are you getting at?

(Hades) I'm getting at that but it's been a year and I was thinking what if we try for another

(Raven) are you sure were ready to take on two? One was enough but two?

(Hades) it's your body your choices my wife but I was only seeing if the offer still stands

(Raven) she has everyone here but I feel ready we may be taking on the underworld, azarath and earth but she could use a baby brother or sister

(Hades) someone to look up to as you looked up to each of your brothers

(Raven) speaking of my brothers they should be here soon

(Sebastian) *opening portal* did someone ask for a few demons?

(Star) welcome

(Arella) uncle's

(Belial) theirs our favorite niece

(Suge) you mean our only niece

(Belial) yes I do

(Hades) it may not be that way for long

(Sebastian) do you mean..your pregnant?

(Raven) no I'm not pregnant but we are deciding on having another baby

(Sebastian) were happy for you sister

(Belial) if it's a boy maybe name him after one of us

(Raven) that was already my plan

(Ruskoff) she is named after mother and Hades mother

(Raven) Arella Rhea Aides daughter of Raven Rachel Roth and Hades Aides queen of Azarath and king of the underworld two of the powerful rulers

(Kori) she's got very strong parents

(Garfield) plus great relatives three powerful side uncle's and an space aunt

(Star) space aunt is best you could come up with beast boy?

(Garfield) sorry

(Sebastian) plus four powerful uncle's

(Melinda) includeing a good human aunt she technical is a mix of God, human and demon all in one

(Hades) that's true

(Raven) she'll be a great leader when she's older

(Hades) it runs in the family I'm sure of it *kissing raven*

(Raven) *holding arella* one big powerful happy family

*end of story*

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