Chapter 3

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(Raven) asarath *waving hands* metrion synthos *facing hands to rose* nothing again

(Kori) tonight's game night guys pick anything then will all be in the living room

(Raven) why can't I jest have some sort of power *sitting on balcony* so much for being daughter of trigon if I can't unlock my powers

(Hades) *arising from ground* you know a girl like you is too hard on yourself

(Raven) *jumping* hades woah *sliding off balcony*

(Hades) *floating up catching raven* careful now usually women don't fall into my arms that easy

(Raven) I wasn't trying too *hand heating up on shoulder*

(Hades) you can cool yourself I'm no harm

(Raven) cool myself?

(Hades) your hand is burning my shoulder

(Raven) *taking hand off shoulder* how? *looking at hands* a second ago I had no magic how is it I have it now?

(Hades) maybe it's a special touch

(Raven) or your the key to my powers

(Hades) God of the underworld key to your powers? That's crazy I couldn't be

(Raven) *lighting purple flame* it works my magic *flame burning hands* ahha

(Hades) *holding raven's hands* you need to control it if you don't you can hurt yourself

(Raven) I'm half human I've only grown up on having no power and some how magically having powers when I'm near you

(Hades) explains the way you can see my garden you need to take it slow, your hands are key to all power you release you hurt them it's harder to cast a spell

(Raven) then teach me

(Hades) I'm no teacher

(Raven) you know more than I do of my own magic you could be my teacher

(Hades) then we can't stay here I will take you somewhere

(Raven) where to?

(Hades) the underworld if you trust me

(Raven) I trust you *holding Hades hand*

(Hades) you trust to easily but hold on *teleporting to the underworld* welcome to the underworld Raven

(Cy) Raven? *walking outside* huh where did she go?

(Raven) it's dark with black magic I feel the strong magic

(Hades) each world is connected deeper is the depths of hell

(Raven) where my father and lucifer are

(Hades) that devil of course he is

(Raven) if your so much of a God why aren't you up in the sky?

(Hades) with my brother Zues? I was banished from the sky after the curse on Hercules of course he had other plans father brought me here

(Raven) theirs always a way to change

(Hades) not for me not for a God of the underworld

(Cronus) *walking downstairs* Hades my boy is that you

(Hades) yes father it's me *throwing cloak over raven* don't say a sound

(Raven) *hiding*

(Cronus) we were just getting ready for some soal catching if you'd care to join us my boy the elders are waiting on us

(Hades) I'll skip out this time father I want to work on my magic

(Cronus) well suit yourself my boy rhea poseidon let's get down there

(Poseidon) coming father

(Rhea) hate to see you miss out son

(Hades) I'm alright with it mother

(Rhea) join us soon if you can *walking with cronus*

(Hades) their gone now

(Raven) *getting up wearing cloak* do I have to hide every time?

(Hades) maybe *looking at raven* the cloak suits you purple really is your color, keep it think of it as a welcoming gift

(Raven) thank you

(Hades) I'll send you back up and we can work on more next time

(Raven) alright thank you again Hades

(Hades) it's no problem

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