Chapter 8

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(Hercules) so this connection you have with her what is it like?

(Hades) if I go near her she can use her magic but in my visions if I'm not near her powers don't work

(Hercules) that does sound like a curse or a connection maybe you two are the key to resolving problems between the family

(Hades) her and I? That's crazy

(Meg) he's right Hades it sounds like a curse they could make

(Hades) impossible father would never agree to something like this especially with trigon

(Hercules) then find some sort of cure or stay away from Raven

(Hades) I can't stay away from the girl I think I'm in love with

(Meg) your in love with your father's greatest enemies daughter now that's an eventful love story

(Hercules) you know how all those fairytales ended with true loves kiss and living happily ever after

(Hades) I do

(Hercules) maybe you need to be her true love and kiss her

(Hades) she hardly knows me that's the thing but her brothers may be after her at some point

(Hercules) why?

(Hades) raven revealed her power to her brothers while she was near me, I went above ground and she showed her true anger but it's what her father hasn't seen yet

(Hercules) if you are near her then her true powers will work but you can't to to azarath where her father is so that you can help her show her true powers

(Hades) pretty much

(Hercules) i will talk to the gods and see what I can do for now jest stay safe and near by the girl you seem to be falling for

(Hades) thank you nephew

(Hercules) you should get going she may still be alone in that medical room

(Hades) your right *teleporting to medical room* Raven

*empty bed*

(Hades) raven? *teleporting to raven's room* raven?

(Cy) guys do you hear that?

(Star) an intruder

(Kori) get to your places

(Hades) common raven where are you?

(Garfield) *jumping on hades* explain yourself

(Hades) please don't hurt me

(Kori) why should we not hurt you? Your snooping in our friends room

(Hades) where is raven? I'm trying to protect her

(Garfield) protect her from what?

(Hades) trigon her father he's coming for raven her three brothers witnessed the kind of powers raven has and they are going to take her to him

(Cy) *scanning the tower* guys raven's no where in sight she's gone

(Kori) impossible raven doesn't even have powers

(Hades) not unless I am near her theirs some sort of connection between our families between her and I I'm key to activating her powers it's the reason you never see her use them now please we have to get to azarath to save her

(Garfield) should we trust him?

(Kori) from what we know that trigon can do we should trust him we should all join him so Garfield get off him

(Garfield) *letting go of hades* fine

(Hades) I'm Hades God of he underworld next king of the underworld were going to azarath so be prepared for lots of heat and who you are soon going up against

(Kori) were ready

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