Chapter 4

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(Raven) *wearing cloak* maybe this is the new me

(Melinda) a new you?

(Raven) Melinda

(Melinda) I come all the way to visit and you've already surprised me

(Raven) I want to change myself

(Melinda) your perfect just the way you are

(Raven) your only saying that because of your half brother being in the tower

(Melinda) kori doesn't care that I'm here

(Raven) all siblings should care or atleast try to

(Melinda) raven are you using your magic outside to open a portal?

(Raven) what? *jumping up looking out window* that can't be

(Melinda) what is it?

(Raven) belial *running downstairs out of tower*

(Belial) *walking through portal with ruskoff and suge* our dear little sister a pleasure to see you

(Raven) father didn't request for me so what are you three doing here?

(Belial) is it that bad to pay a visit to you?

(Raven) you three are hardly in azarath what would you need here on earth?

(Belial) to see you Raven to pay a true visit to our sister

(Raven) can't you visit cousin terra not me

(Suge) cousin terra is causing mayhem in other places

(Melinda) *walking to living room* kori go outside

(Kori) is everything alright?

(Melinda) her brothers their here

(Kori) team let's go *running to tower exit* Raven

(Ruskoff) looks like your not alone

(Raven) their my friends

(Ruskoff) then let us introduce ourselves then shall we boys

(Raven) no *standing in front of ruskoff* stay away from them

(Ruskoff) your nothing more than a human Raven you can't stop us

(Hades) *watching vision* maybe a little magic can help her *coming up from underworld*

(Raven) all I'm asking is that you leave them alone

(Cy) we can take care of ourselves Raven

(Raven) their stronger than you all think

(Suge) move now sister

(Raven) I'm not moving *eyes glowing red*

(Belial) the power of father it's in you

(Raven) I'm asking you three again leave my friends alone or deal with me *purple flames lighting up*

(Belial) we should take you to father then

(Raven) I'm not going

(Ruskoff) we weren't asking dear sister he would be happy to see you've finally unlocked his powers deep within you

(Raven) *backing up* it's not happening I won't go to dad

(Belial) common sweet sister *holding hand out* take my hand

(Raven) *calming magic* your here for something else it isn't jest for me

(Suge) we hear you paid a visit to the underworld some God took you there and we would like to know who

(Star) the underworld?

(Kori) a place near the depths of hell her father's enemy

(Suge) who took you there?

(Raven) I went there myself

(Suge) impossible

(Raven) my powers only work near people of the underworld were standing right under it aren't we?

(Ruskoff) father will be furious when he hears of this you will be locked away back on Azarath

(Raven) he can't do anything if I'm here I'd rather die here than go back

(Belial) then will see you again sister let us go speak to father brothers

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