Chapter 7

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(Hades) *searching through scrolls* what connections could she have had?

(Makarov) what connections are you going on about?

(Hades) this woman I met she has some connection to me

(Makarov) who is this woman?

(Hades) I can't say

(Makarov) you can't tell your own friend who this woman is

(Hades) yes I can't say

(Makarov) fine then I'll jest go ask Poseidon *walking to door*

(Hades) *slamming door* don't

(Makarov) then who is the woman?

(Hades) raven

(Makarov) raven Rachel Roth? The daughter of trigon and Arella Roth your fathers enemy

(Hades) yes that raven my father would go to great lengths to make me suffer if he knew what I was doing

(Makarov) your about to be a king and you choose to focus on one girl

(Hades) yes because somehow I'm the key to her magic

(Makarov) how would you be a connection of her power?

(Hades) I don't know that's why I'm looking for answers I can't go to my mother and father because even I don't want to tell my father I know raven

(Makarov) do you think it's a curse some sort of curse made on you and her?

(Hades) what curse could that be?

(Makarov) the curse of two souls after you were punished due to the battle with Hercules don't you think some sort of curse would've been placed on you

(Hades) that could be possible the soul keepers or even zues himself my brother must've done something

(Makarov) then go get your answers

(Hades) except I'm banished from the sky gods I can't go up there

(Makarov) your nephew Hercules chose a life with humans with Meg the woman you sent to him go find Meg

(Hades) your right my friend I should

- Hercules village -

(Hercules) Meg my mother is inviting us to dinner

(Meg) we should join them

(Hercules) I will let them know for you my wife *opening door* hades

(Hades) please don't slam the door in my face I only need to talk

(Hercules) give me one good reason to talk to you?

(Hades) your my nephew and our family may be going to war

(Hercules) what war? *opening door*

(Hades) with hell himself trigon our families greatest enemy

(Hercules) then what do you need me for? You were banished from the family your not even a sky God like my father

(Hades) I'm connected to their daughter somehow so it's a big deal to me

(Meg) you mean Rachel Roth? The half human daughter of trigon?

(Hades) she goes by Raven after the passing of her mother she joined the tower of the titans but I'm the key to her powers somehow and I don't know if it has something to do with your father

(Hercules) my dad controls weather not the souls of peoples lives that's your families job

(Hades) all I'm asking is for answers some scroll of truth before her father discovers she's been talking to me of all people

(Hercules) is this the only help you need?

(Hades) yes dear nephew it's all I'm asking

(Meg) we should help

(Hercules) as long as you promise to not go after any of my family

(Hades) I promise

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