Chapter 6

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(Raven) *laying in medical room*

(Cy) her vitals seem normal their is bruising on her upper back as well as cuts across her from the glass

(Kori) any broken bones?

(Cy) only a few fractures on her leg and left shoulder but it will heal eventually

(Garfield) why didn't she jest sit this mission out?

(Star) she's part of the team just like the rest of us beast boy

(Garfield)  I know that but we were up against something bigger than us she couldn't take it on because she has no powers

(Kori) I have no powers to but as your leader I guide you through this mission, Raven has powers in her she jest can't unlock them

(Star) let's give her space now and time to rest and recover guys

(Kori) star is right let's call it a day will stay in for now

(Garfield) *leaving medical room with group*

(Hades) *rising from underworld* you took a big fall

(Raven) *waking up* I had to save people

(Hades) your awake

(Raven) something in my body is helping me

(Hades) let me see *holding raven's hand* your powers their slowly trying to heal you

(Raven) please stay

(Hades) your friends don't know me I doubt they'd want God of the underworld in their tower

(Raven) well your here now

(Hades) can't I get to know you more

(Raven) I don't think you'd be able to know me for so long

(Hades) your brother's I already know I have visions everywhere I know and it's ok I'm safe where I am

(Raven) what about your father? Cronus wouldn't be happy with trigon

(Hades) their gods they'll deal with it on their own

(Raven) what makes you want to do all of this? Sneaking around and only coming to see me?

(Hades) theirs something special about you Raven I see a connection there besides aren't I the key to your powers

(Raven) *lighting flame* somehow you are but my father he'll be un rage if he finds out your the key to them somehow you are and we don't even know what the reason may be

(Hades) they must be hiding something it would explain how whenever your near me your powers work in an instant but when I'm no where in sight they don't work something part of the underworld has a connection with you that would explain everything but we need answers

(Raven) you can't go asking your father what connection I may have with you because he'll wonder why your even speaking to me the daughter of his enemy

(Hades) it's the only way I'll know the truth or I'll do my own research in the visions

(Raven) be careful Hades

(Hades) I promise to Raven

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