Chapter 11

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(Trigon) it's a curse to unite families

(Raven) get away from me!

(Sebastian) common sister

(Cronus) your breaking apart your family your daughter is under a curse that she never asked for you have her brothers trying to get ahold of her

(Cy) we need to help raven to get her out of this

(Kori) beast boy get ahold of her brothers knock them out of the way

(Garfield) on it

(Kori) I'll grab Raven, if I cant get her I'll need your help star

(Star) I'm ready

(Raven) *running and jumping down rocks*

(Belial) you can't run forever dear sister

(Raven) I've had enough! *glowing with purple flames*

(Belial) let that rage out then

(Raven) *demon red eyes glowing* your supposed to be my brothers! You betray me! Your my family!

(Sebastian) Raven

*ground shaking*

(Cy) we need to take cover things are about to go down

(Raven) your family! *tears dripping from eyes* I'm losing my family because you all chose to trust father and help him come after your only sister

(Sebastian) we did betray her

(Suge) were supposed to follow behind our father

(Sebastian) all father is doing is hurting our sister and we're standing here trying to help him why not help her we don't realize how bad this even is

(Ruskoff) it's jest a soft spot brother your too soft for a mission like this

(Sebastian) *forming vision* think back to when we all cared after mother passed after we lost loved ones now think how you would feel losing Raven the only true piece left of mom

(Belial) mother made us swear to always protect her no matter the cause or issue, by blood she is family power or none she is

(Trigon) that is enough! *punching ground*

*ground shaking with rocks falling*

(Hades) raven!

(Raven) Hades!

*rock avalanche falling*

(Cy) beast boy let's grab her

(Sebastian) take cover! *running with Suge*

(Hades) *running towards avalanche*

(Cronus) son get back here!

(Hades) I can't leave Raven behind

(Hercules) *breaking rocks* keep going go get the girl

(Hades) Hercules

(Hercules) go save the girl

(Hades) raven run

(Raven) *dodging rocks* its everywhere I can't go on for much longer

(Hades) stop it with your powers

(Raven) asarath metrion synthos *holding rocks from falling* everyone take shelter

(Cronus) look at your daughter she is about to be crushed by an avalanche and your here watching her instead of helping her

(Sebastian) Raven get out of this

(Cy) Raven please come back to us

(Raven) go on without me I was not much help to the team, I'm nothing to this family name I am a Ruth but I can't hold that power for long

(Cronus) we can help you child

(Trigon) you can't do anything

(Cronus) *hitting trigon across head* knock some sense into yourself and realize your daughter could die she's human once those rocks crush her she's over with, you turned everyone against her and your going against her jest to take over but you see your consequences arella should have never loved you for the man you became the demon you really are letting your own daughter die

(Trigon) I'm doing what has to be done

(Hades) *bringing up soul* "bring this soul up bring me arella roth"

(Arella) are you really doing all of this trigon?

(Trigon) arella

(Raven) mom

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