Chapter 14

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(Raven) *placing make-up on*

(Belial) there's our sister

(Raven) brothers

(Sebastian) are you ready to walk down the isle?

(Raven) well I need four men to walk me down and hand me off to my groom

(Ruskoff) us? You want us to walk you down the isle?

(Raven) yes I do, father is banished and you four are the only men of the family

(Belial) we would be honored to Raven

(Kori) *knocking on door* is it safe to enter?

(Raven) you may come in kori

(Kori) *entering room* raven you look amazing

(Raven) thank you

(Kori) us best men will be ready to walk

(Terra) what is the set up cousin?

(Raven) you and Garfield will walk together, Cy and jinx, star and karras but kori I couldn't find person who isn't your sister to walk with you

(Hades) he is welcome to walk with Persephone and Melinda can walk with alyo while stlens and Makarov walk together

(Raven) sounds good

(Kori) I like your plan Hades also welcome to the team

(Hades) team?

(Kori) we are the titans and we would be happy to have another member on our team you and karras will go into training but the more people the bigger the team

(Hades) I'll be happy to join you

(Rhea) Hades we are ready if you two are

(Hades) coming mother, I'll see you down the isle my bride

(Raven) I'll be the one in white

(Hades) *waiting by zues* thank you for this zues

(Zues) it is not a problem to me congratulations Hades

*music starting*

(Kori) *walking with Persephone down isle*

(Cy) *walking with jinx down isle*

(Garfield) *walking with terra down isle*

(Star) *walking with karras down isle*

(Melinda) *walking with alyo down isle*

(Sylens) *walking with Makarov down isle*

(Sebastian) are you ready Rachel?

(Raven) ready as I'll ever be

(Belial) *holding arm around Ravens arm*

(Ruskoff) *walking on raven's right side*

(Sebastian) *walking behind belial*

(Suge) *walking behind ruskoff*

(Zues) here comes your bride

(Hades) "bring me arella roth"

(Arella) my baby

(Raven) mom

(Arella) *lifting raven's vail kissing her forhead* your doing great my girl

(Raven) thank you mom

(Arella) congratulations my girl

(Belial) *handing Raven off to hades* take care of her

(Hades) you have my life at your hands if I don't but I swear to protect her

(Raven) *facing zues*

(Zues) Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man, and this man in holy matrimony. Not to be entered into lightly, holy matrimony should be entered into solemnly and with reverence and honor. ... Through God, you are joined together in the most holy of bonds, Hades repeat after me I Hades take you Rachel to be my wife...

(Hades) I, Hades, take you, Rachel to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.

(Zues) Raven repeat after me I Rachel take you Hades to be my husband....

(Raven) I, Rachel take you, Hades to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow

(Zues) before the vows may we have the rings

(Kori) *handing Hades rings*

(Zues) thank you now you may present your vows

(Raven) you were a stranger and I was a human of asarath, you opened my eyes and showed me true power I thank you and I am happy to be your wife

(Hades) you saw me when no one else could, you brought light into a man of souls, I was a demon no one liked because the power I held and then their was you a warm flame in my heart I am pleased to call you my bride and be your husband

(Zues) you may now exchange rings

(Hades) *placing ring on raven's finger*

(Raven) *placing ring on Hades finger*

(Zues) if anyone objects speak now or forever hold your piece, no one objects then I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride Hades

(Hades) *pulling Raven into kiss*

*everyone cheering*

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