peony fantasy boy10

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Peony picked up Hazel and quickly made her way towards their home, trying to shield her from the angry gaze of Ethan. Hazel could sense the tension in the air and couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and anger herself.

"Why do humans hurt each other like this?" she asked Peony, her voice shaking with emotion. "If those girls claim to like you, why can't they just show some respect for me?"

Peony put a comforting arm around Hazel and gave her a reassuring smile. "You're right, Hazel. Respect is the foundation of any relationship, be it romantic or platonic."

Just then, the sound of a car horn interrupted their conversation. "Oh, it's Aster!" Peony exclaimed, bending down to speak to her friend through the car mirror.

"Are you okay?" Aster asked, concern etched on her face.

Peony's anger flared up at the thought of what had happened earlier. "Angry is too mild a word," she replied curtly.

Aster wisely didn't say anything and offered to drive them home. Hazel thanked her and got into the car, while Peony shot one last glare in Ethan's direction before leaving.

After they arrived at their house, Peony helped Hazel settle onto the sofa

Peony walked into the kitchen and started to prepare a cup of tea for Hazel. She couldn't shake off the anger she felt about what happened in the park. How could people be so cruel to each other, especially when claiming to have positive feelings towards someone else? It didn't make any sense to her.

As she boiled the water, Peony thought about how fortunate she was to have Hazel in her life. Hazel was always so kind and gentle, and she made Peony feel safe and loved. Hazel was a true friend and Peony was grateful for her.

Peony carried the steaming cup of tea to the living room and handed it to Hazel, who gratefully took it and took a sip.

"Thank you, Peony. You always know what I need."

Peony smiled, feeling a sense of warmth in her heart. "Of course, Hazel. That's what friends are for."

The two of them sat quietly for a few minutes, sipping their tea, before Peony spoke again. "I just don't understand why people can't treat each other with respect. It's so simple, yet so many people fail at it."

Hazel nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's a shame, but we can't control how others behave. All we can do is be kind ourselves and hope that it inspires others to do the same."

Peony smiled at Hazel's wise words. "You're right, Hazel. And you know what? You inspire me to be a better person every day."

Hazel's eyes sparkled with joy. "And you inspire me to be brave and adventurous, Peony. We're a good team."

"You're amazing, Peony," Hazel said, admiration shining in her eyes. "I know this kind of behavior is normal for humans, but you always manage to keep your cool and stay kind no matter what."

Peony smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her heart. "Thank you, Hazel. And you're right, it's important to keep a positive outlook on life despite everything."

As they sat together in silence, Peony suddenly felt a feeling of gratitude for having Hazel in her life, despite all the challenges they faced as supernatural beings living among humans. They were different, but that was what made their friendship so special.

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